Incompetence is the reason we can no longer afford one more day of a Jubilee government.
President Uhuru yesterday launched yet another Public Relation website to list down projects of the Jubilee regime. This is in addition to three more websites (mygov.go.ke, huduma.co.ke, statehouse.co.ke) that he has launched in the past four years.
You will also recall the “state house summits” which became empty talk-shows and ended in angry outbursts towards holders of independent constitutional offices – particularly the Auditor General.
Do we need another PR Portal that more than 70% of Kenyans cannot access for us to understand the impact of This Governments Incompetence? There is more evidence in our pockets daily and in our homes.
Based on its own manifesto Jubilee promised what they termed a “most basic revolution”
It included;
a. Put food and clean water on every Kenyan table.
b. Ensure that every child in Kenya gets quality education
c. Create wealth
d. Ensure that every Kenyan gets quality and affordable healthcare
You have been in this country as the prices of almost all basic food items have almost doubled within the past 4 years.
The price of Unga was 75 now it is 160 shillings
The price of milk is as 32 now it is more than 60 shillings
The price of sugar was at 98 per kg now it is 140 shillings
More PR by Jubilee.
We have seen doctors and teachers all the way to lecturers strike and what they have received from the Incompetent government are threats and even been jailed.
Kevin, a university student made this passionate appeal to the president
“All we are asking is not much; you can postpone the railway and laptop projects and concentrate on paying our lecturers and doctors.”
The president used threats to citizens to wiggle out of these obligations;
“The fact of the matter is that to pay this award, we would have to raise VAT from 16% to 22%, OR borrow more money OR suspend critical development programs and essential services in health, in education and in security. ”
The President has not been sincere. We all know corruption has been the flagship project of His incompetent government. In fact, we were hoping it will top the Jubilee Portal of Lies launched yesterday.
Kenyans have been numbed by the dizzying figures of stolen money in the name of grand projects.
This information portal should have had two things; the list of those who have stolen our money to the tune of about 300 Billion in four years and the actions taken against these people. What became of the people he named in 2015 List of shame? Who among them is in jail? How much has his government recovered and what have the proceeds been used on?
It has taken a keen opposition in ODM to even bring to your attention these economic gang rape actions. Severally we were dismissed until the truth could no longer hide behind PR.
You must not forget that because of Incompetence;
1. You lost 1.4 Trillion on laptop project now turned tablets with 4 billion assigned to kickbacks and procurement rules flouted.
2. SGR Grand Coalition project has cost you 114 Billion extra as inflated cost and its civil works subcontracted to a company APEC whose directors remain unknown.
3. Your 215 Billion Eurobond debt which the Auditor General insists he cannot ascertain its utilization, the CS in treasury cannot pin point its budget lines, has now appeared in the magical portal conveniently in an election year. The attempts to fire the AG for raising these queries by the incompetent presidency has severally failed.
4. The Government has forced you to Lease Medical equipment to the tune of 760 Million yet buying the same would cost you 180 M per county. Health is a devolved function yet the Incompetent government has held onto resources and even makes expenditure decisions for county governments.
In 2015 the President himself declared Corruption ‘a threat to National Security’
We sincerely had hoped this would have topped the delivery “Portal of Lies” as Kenyans have called it since its launch. Creation of wealth has happened in a few people’s pockets. You have all heard of Arap Mashamba, Ni ya Sweetie and Relathieves.
Kenyans who stay in Kenya are surprised by the fantastic picture painted of their success that they cannot see or feel even in the capital let alone the rural and marginalized areas.
As a Symbol of National Unity and referring to Article 10 on the national values and principles of governance the president has further shown great incompetence in;
a) Championing national unity, Kenyans are very divided along tribal lines with a few communities on one side and the rest of the country on the other.
(b) Ensuring equity, social justice, inclusiveness, non-discrimination and protection of the marginalized; We do not forget Kasarani Detention camps. We also do not forget the recent attacks on Masaais by the government killing almost 2,000 heads of cattle in Laikipia.
(c) Leadership as the CEO of Kenya in good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability. The Theft speaks for itself. His highest form of action was to ask Kenyans Ghai, Munataka nifanye nini?
By Uhuru Kenyatta’s own admission in March 2017
“Still too many Kenyans are struggling to make ends meet, to find jobs, and to support their families. Many of our citizens are wondering why their children are still struggling to find jobs.
Our SMEs are complaining that they do not have access to credit.
Many Kenyans are frustrated at the seeming lack of progress in the fight against corruption.”
Economically speaking It is not yet Uhuru.
11th April 2017
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