Rent defaulters will soon find themselves blacklisted by the Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) if a proposal by landlords come to fruition.
The Urban Landlords and Tenants Association (Ultak) have also proposed that all tenants seeking to move houses should first seek clearance from CRB before moving in.
Mr Ephraim Murigo, Ultak Secretary General, says the move is geared towards taming rising cases of rent defaulters in urban centers.
“It is very important if both tenants and landlords keep a cordial type of relationship, the habit of chasing tenants up and down should be done away with,” he said while appearing on an interview in KTN on Wednesday.
Mr Murigo also wants mandatory full disclosure by tenants seeking to rent houses, details of which can be shared with police to investigate hideouts of terror suspects.
He also encouraged landlords to manage their houses without letting agents to do it.
“Landlords do not want to be known by tenants because when they do crazy things like removing the roof or door, they can still hide (their identity). We promise to institute legal proceedings against such landlords and make sure they are brought to book,” he said.
Mr Murigo asked the government to ensure that it involves landlords in the “nyumba kumi” initiative to boost security within the country.
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