Kenyans have put the Jubilee regime on the spot as hunger ravages people in Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) counties in the countries.
An estimated 1.1 million Kenyans are facing starvation in Samburu, Marsabit, Garissa, Isiolo, Mandera, Wajir, Baringo, Kilifi, Tana River, West Pokot, Makueni, Kajiado, and Kwale.
On Monday, after days of denial, the government announced a Sh2 billion funding to facilitate ongoing food relief programs and water trucking in the 13 counties.
Food security is among President Uhuru Kenyatta’s big four agenda for the second term and on social media platforms, Kenyans are telling him enough is enough.
The hashtag #WeCannotIgnore has been trending on Tuesday.
Here are some of the messages that Kenyans want to reach President Kenyatta’s government.
Tell me that these photos mean nothing to you! Nothing! I Am totally broken
#WeCannotIgnore #BeyondPressConferences
— Patience Nyange (@NyangePatience) March 19, 2019
#WeCannotIgnore @kellyogome this is a situation witnessed every year during the drought season ….measures are there to curb this situation only that its never implemented ..we want a lasting solution since we have had our sisters and brothers always suffer
— Milliah Tabitha (@TabithaMilliar) March 19, 2019
#WeCannotIgnore the situation being witnessed is Kenya is cyclical, we will witness the same sad state of affairs again and again: What happened to early warning systems? The Meteorological Department says it gave numerous warnings about the delay in the start of the rain season
— Jamila Mohamed (@JamilaMohamed) March 19, 2019
HEARTBREAKING: #WeCannotIgnore Kenyans who’re starving in Turkana and Baringo and the Northern Kenya. The government needs to go beyond the useless Pressers and help the Citizens.
— Atanas (@_Atanasi) March 19, 2019
#WeCannotIgnore She is 6 months pregnant. Last time she ate is 3 days ago. #TurkanaDrought
— Ali 'Mwamvita' Manzu (@Ali_Manzu) March 19, 2019
Denials, and blame games by the government will not bring back the people who have died of starvation in Turkana and will definitely not restore the health of these people #WeCannotIgnore
— Claret (@ClaretAdhiambo) March 19, 2019
I always trust government reports. But they should tell us which disease is this killing people in Turkana, Baringo and W. Pokot after making them so weak and skinny #WeCannotIgnore
— Msema Kweli (@KalenjinSon) March 19, 2019
What the Government will not tell you about Turkana! Current situation, we cannot ignore what our fellow Kenyans are going through #WeCannotIgnore #BeyondPressConfrences #Turkanadrought @NyangePatience @chweyaaa @Ali_Manzu @RoncliffeOdit
— Martin Wachira (@Martowachira) March 19, 2019
1.1 Million Kenyans facing starvation, in a country where food security has always been top of our agenda. We can’t keep doing this Kenyans, we simply can’t. #WeCannotIgnore
— Cynthia Mwangi (@ythera_mwangi) March 19, 2019
Denying that there is a problem does not resolve it. It doesn’t put food on these Kenyans’ plates in Turkana, Baringo, eastern kenya etc #WeCannotIgnore the plight of others or continue to pander to the excuses of ineptitude. It’s time to stabilize nutrition rich food production
— Renée Ngamau (@reneengamau) March 19, 2019
A single life is too much to bear #WeCannotIgnore. It is time to accept that this is serious and we do not have to wait for people to die so as to act! The time is now… #WeCannotIgnore #WeCannotIgnore #WeCannotIgnore
— MUTANU (@mutanuberna) March 19, 2019
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