Thursday, 14 May 2020

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A man is being held at Makongeni Police Station for assaulting a police officer, leaving him with serious injuries on the head.

John Kimwaki Wahu is reported to have hit police constable Peter Kamau of Makongeni Police Station with a stone causing the said injuries.

The officer was injured in line of duty while on patrol near World Bank Houses next to Kenya Power Substation along Likoni road to ensure compliance with the public order Act directive issued as a control measure to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

He was rushed to hospital while Wahu was arrested immediately. The officer is currently in the Intensive Care Unit at Nairobi Metropolitan Hospital in Buruburu.

The suspect will be charged with either attempted murder or murder, depending on outcome of Kamau’s treatment.

Inspector Edward Nzaka on Wednesday obtained orders before the Makadara Law Courts to detain Wahu for four days pending investigations.

Nzaka said he needs more time to record witness statements. Chief Magistrate Emily Ominde granted the orders.

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