The Kenya Film Classification Board (KCFB) has banned a gay-themed Indian film titled ‘Badhaaai Do’. Sammy Wambua, the Film Board's acting Chief Executive confirmed the 147-minute movie is now restricted in Kenya. “For the avoidance of doubt, restricted in this case means that it is prohibited from exhibition, distribution, possession or broadcasting within the Republic of Kenya,” he said. He added that any attempt to exhibit, distribute, broadcast, or possess the restricted film or any other restricted films within the Republic of Kenya shall be met with the full force of the law. Mr Wambua said that the film tries to directly influence the viewer into believing that homosexuality is a normal way of life “The multiple scenes of lesbian and gay affection depicted in the film are in complete disregard of our cultural values and beliefs.” According to Article 45 of the Constitution of Kenya (2010), marriage is defined as a union between persons of the opposite sex. Sections 162, 163, and 165 of the Penal Code criminalizes homosexual behaviour. “The film in question, therefore, overtly disregards our laws, constitution, and sensibilities as a people,” he said. Last year, the content regulatory agency banned another movie titled 'I am Samuel' film on grounds of promoting same-sex marriage. KFCB said there was a deliberate effort by the producer to promote same-sex marriage as an acceptable way of life. “In the course of examining a film titled: I am Samuel, which was submitted to the Board for classification, the Board noted a clear and deliberate attempt by the producer, to promote same-sex marriage as an acceptable way of life,” KFCB said.
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