Saturday, 21 January 2017

By Comrade Alberto Amenya

To the people of Rongo, August 8, 2017, will forever remain august in their hearts. This is the day they’ll bury the shackles of perpetual slavery. They’ll openly resist and reject those who seek to throw them into social and economic captivity. It is the day they’ll break the crab fingers of looters and killers. They will openly expel oppression and domination. They will defy the forces deployed to their constituency to intimidate, harass dehumanize and take away their inalienable right to elect their favorite leader Hon David Osiany under a peaceful, free, fair, credible and transparent elections.

The people of Rongo have thundered. They are going for Osiany because he is a man of dignified professorial demeanor. Being the man of unblemished character, he is the only Moses that will get the people of Rongo out of the ‘Egypt’ of suffering.

Through David Osiany Foundation, his propensity to share with the needy has earned him respect across Rongo. That is why the people of Rongo have confirmed they will raise a standard with their votes and make him their voice in the August House. The polished people of Rongo have exhibited all indications that they will vote for Osiany and not the incumbent who has entirely failed them.

August 8 victory will not be for Osiany or ODM. The victory will be for the sophisticated people of Rongo constituency. They say, “Character is like pregnancy, you cannot hide it” Osiany’s impeccable character buttresses the fact that he represents the new face of true democracy and transparency in Rongo. Being Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s right-hand man and top confidant, David has inherited mesmerizingly ultimate wisdom. That is why whenever he opens his mouth to verbalize, he displays a rich pedigree with distinguished royal courage.

The sophisticated people of Rongo have confirmed they are unready to be beguiled. They are wise after all. They will not fall like they did before. They will show resistance and live happily for it. They great people of Rongo will not be cowed by the importation of any amount of thugs, however overwhelming. They will not be intimidated and abandon their mandate of electing leaders of their choice. With Osiany as their favorite, they will remain unintimidated and unmoved by the slush funds that will be stashed in ostensibly to make them complicit in the stealing of the election.

With Osiany as their Member of Parliament, the people of Rongo are too positive to be doubtful. They are too determined to be defeated. They are too optimistic to be fearful. They will not only elect Hon David Osiany but defeat the worst form of a coup against democracy in the annals of Kenyan history.

As E.M. Cioran opined, “Progress is the injustice each generation commits with regard to its
predecessors.” All indications show that the incumbent in Rongo constituency has gracefully bowed out to pave way for the people’s MP to step in. Since he was birthed thirty something years ago, David has been growing victorious and successful by the day. The gates of hell cannot prevail against him because the great man and woman who gave birth and nurtured his God fearing person have not lost their vision. Rather, they keep injecting fresh ideas that keep the leadership flames in him burn brightly burn.

He has proved he is the real son of his father because he took after his resoluteness and doggedness. He has proved to be the true son of his mother because he took after her esteemed character. He has proved to be the true Biblical David because he exudes the power that killed Goliath.

Best of luck comrade Osiany.

The post Brave DAVID OSIANY: Ready to take on wounded Rongo Goliath DALMAS OTIENO appeared first on Kenya Today.

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