By Perminus Wainaina
The start of a new year is an exciting period as many of us see it as an opportunity to start afresh. In a new year there’s renewed hope that maybe things will work this time around. No wonder many of us start the year by making resolutions.
In my article today I’d like to address those looking to boost their career in 2017. It could be that you are looking to change jobs, desire to earn more, grow in your career in terms of learning and applying new skills or get a senior role. Some of you have decided that 2017 is the year they will earn their MBA. Whatever goals you have in mind I’d like to share five tips that you can apply to ensure that your plans become a reality.
But why do you need to plan in the first place? Having a goal is important for your career progression. Things don’t just happen by themselves. Goals are important in the sense that they help us assess where we are and what we want in the future. Also, through goal setting we are able to make the most of our strengths as we improve on our weakness. If you don’t have goals you won’t be able to know when you are deviating from your core purpose. Lastly, with goals you are firmly in the driver’s seat as opposed to other people or events defining your career.
So, what are the tips for boosting your career in 2017?
Be Clear On What You Want. When it comes to your career, what do you wish to accomplish? Human behavior experts advise us to be specific and also write down our goals if we want to accomplish them. Whatever you want to achieve will not happen if you are not crystal clear. An easier way to approach this is to envision how success will look like 12 months to come. For example if you are looking to go back to school, success will be you completing the MBA course work and now embarking on the project. If you are looking to earn a better salary is it 10%, 20% or even 30%? When you become clear on what you want it then becomes much easier to plan and execute.
Execute. When it comes to our personal lives the major hindrance to our growth is on our inability to execute our plans. Few of us follow through on our plans and promises. Unlike in our workplaces where there’s always someone above us reminding us that we have to achieve XYZ, rarely do we have someone to account to when it comes to our personal lives and the plans we choose to pursue. And therein is the biggest problem. We start of the year with great plans but we do absolutely nothing and yet expect things to change. Best way to approach your plan is to write everything, step by step and attach some milestone and timeline to the goals. This way your goal does not look insurmountable. You also tick away each step you accomplish. It is through execution that we make our dreams a reality.
Learn New Skills. In order for you to grow in your career you have to learn new skills. It could be on job or soft skills. Keep abreast of your industry, sector and even the economy. The only thing constant in life is change. Apart from job related skills employers are interested in soft skills such as leadership, communication, interpersonal and someone who is a team player.
Build Your Network. We live in an interconnected world where we rely on each other. And plenty of opportunities are to be found within this network. It has been proven that over 50% of candidates get to know of job opportunities through networks. Before a job is advertised, be it online or through newspapers it will have been shared through networks. Are you well networked? Your network is your net worth. The more people you know and are willing to assist you the higher the chances of progressing.
First step is to create time and meet like minded people. Keep in touch with old colleagues through emails or calls. Join professional associations like ICPACK and IHRM. Start to attend seminars. Meet people from other professions. Above all, be willing to help others and that way people will know that they can count on you and will return the favor if need be.
Improve Your Mindset. Even with proper planning things won’t always go your way. You will face disappointments in the new year but you should strive to see the positive in everything, either good or bad. When you are positive and happy you attract opportunities. To survive the harsh times build a support network. Consult widely and get to hear other people’s opinions. The strange thing is whatever challenge you are facing they might be others facing the same of have been in a similar situation and through sharing they can advice you on what they did to overcome the challenge.
As to whether 2017 will be a success solely depends on you. I’ll leave you with a quote from Jim Collins, “Greatness (and success) is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.”
Perminus Wainaina is the Managing Partner & Head of Recruitment at Corporate Staffing Services Ltd. Email.
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