Police in Nairobi are investigating the death of a reveler after he fell down the stairs at Galana Plaza in Kilimani that hosts B-Club and Kiza Lounge.
Moses Baraka was reported to have plunged to his death at the building’s staircase on Friday night after partying at B-Club.
Nairobi County Police Commander Japheth Koome told Nairobi News that the incident is still being investigated.
According to the deceased’s friend George Humphrey Kajimba, Chacha as he was popularly known, took the stairs at around 4am after a night of clubbing.

The deceased Moses Baraka, also known as Chacha. PHOTO | COURTESY
“From the pictures taken at the scene and the CCTV footage which the management were willing to share, Chacha had got to the club in the company of a few friends whom he chauffeured. They had time with the friends until around 4am when they decided to leave at their pleasure.
“On their way from the second floor, they opted to use the staircase instead of lifts. At this point, Chacha decided to descend by sliding down the staircase railing at which he lost balance falling to the basement headfirst and bleeding to death,” wrote Mr Kajimba on Facebook.
Another narration from a Facebook user who claimed to have been at the scene, stated that the deceased slid while walking and fell and did not attempt to sit on the rail as alleged by the club’s management.
Police collecting statements to establish the truth even as the family of the deceased await post mortem results.
The deceased had posted a photo online at 11:26 while having a drink at the club in the company of a friend.
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