Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Outspoken former radio personality Ciku Muiruri has launched an aggressive campaign against Kiambu governor William Kabogo.

Dubbed ’13 Reasons Why Not to Vote for Kabogo’, the former radio presenter has taken to her popular Facebook page to list the reasons.

The reasons range from Kabogo’s previous remarks about unmarried women, his arrogance, and drug peddling links.

By Tuesday afternoon, Ciku had listed 5 of the 13 reasons and the evidence to back up her claims.

Read below:

Reason Number 1: “He is misogynistic and delusional.”

Reason Number 2: “In 2012 in an effort to help Thika School of The Blind, we reached out to him and requested that he raises a matter regarding disabilities in Parliament (He was MP of Juja at the time). All he had to do was ask ONE question and we would follow up with the necessary media push to get something done for these kids. The governor didn’t bother despite numerous reminders. We proceeded without him and even convinced James Ingram to visit the school. After the subsequent coverage of Ingram’s visit on Citizen TV Kenya (thanks to Julie Gathoni Sumira Gichuru) all of a sudden the governor was eager to visit the school thinking it will score him some prime time coverage. But by that time the ship had sailed. You had ONE job dude. Just one job.”

Reason Number 3:

Reason Number 4:

Reason 5:

Catch the rest on her Facebook page.

Ⓒ 2014 Nairobi Wire

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