Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Dear Statehouse/ Dennis Itumbi and PSCU.

Allow me sir to respond to your essay titled “Why is Raila Afraid.”

I take upon myself the responsibility to reply because i believe the next President of Kenya, Rt. Hon Dr. Raila Odinga should concentrate on the most urgent duty of crafting a plan that will turn around our nation, looted and plundered by Jubilee and their RELATHIEVES, and not respond to minions like you.

Yes, I agree with you that Kenyans and more so Raila Odinga are afraid. But we disagree on the reasons of their fear. It is now my pleasure to induct you on the things that make Kenyans and AGWAMBO, the mysterious one afraid.

is afraid because over the last five years, Jubilee has borrowed over Shs 3.3 trillion and have nothing to show for it, except the condoms and sex lessons offered by the pig with a lipstick.

is afraid because the unemployment rate in Kenya is over 50%. Seeing young Kenyans, whose family have sold their assets and accumulated HELB loans, to get an education carry placard looking for jobs or go for years without meaningful opportunities to use their skills as they help their families makes Raila afraid.

is afraid because our policemen live in houses not fit for human habitation, and yet Jubilee would rather spend billions on military equipment though our nation is not at war. Seeing male and female police officers, share a one roomed shanty without toilet, or any sense of privacy and human dignity, makes AGWAMBO afraid.

is afraid to see Kenyans who work more than 12 hours every day struggle to meet the obligations of their families. We are frightened that a woman, Waitherera, from Uthiru would rather her young child suckle the tits of a dog to survive, because she can’t produce enough milk her own for her child due to malnutrition and hunger. We are afraid that a young lady from Nakuru, would rather sell her child to a wealthy family to raise her than raise her herself, because life has become so unbearable under Jubilee government. Do you understand what such experiences have on these people? The pain, the anguish, and the terror they face when making such decisions?

Raila is afraid to see a president us his powers and the institution of the presidency to harass, intimidate, and threaten his political opponents, the press, and other human rights activists.

When a president forces a foreigner or a Kenyan like Tom Chomolendely, to sell his expansive Dalemere farm to the president’s family for Shs. 4.2 billion, and then the president’s family sell a tiny bit part of that farm to the government who pays Shs 3.6 billion upfront and a yearly fee of Shs 785 million for it to build a Port, then all of us should be afraid. And sadly or coincidentally, that Kenyan dies in unclear circumstances!!! My friend, we have reasons to be afraid.

We are afraid when a president is using his office, to forcefully transfer port operations from Mombasa to a farm his family owns in Naivasha, passing Voi, Machakos and other deserving townships and people along the way, because he believes his family must control all means of production in kenya.

Raila is afraid when a president, sworn to serve all Kenyans irrespective of who their voted for can publicly tell his citizens that because they never voted for him, they must pay for the services of the government like he said at the coast.

Dennis Itumbi, there are a million reasons why Kenyans and specifically Raila should be afraid. Every Kenyan today owes a debt of Shs 90,000 because of Jubilee’s borrowing. We get scared when we receive food aid from other nations and yet our government budget billions to buy blankets and pillows for statehouse.

We are afraid when the prices of basic commodities like milk, bread, sugar, Unga, transportation, and many more continue to rise as our pay, salary and wages remain constant. We are afraid because we will have to choose whether to send our kids to school or buy food? Whether to take a bus home or walk, risking our lives so that we may save some money for breakfast.

These are choices, you meat eaters never have and thankfully, will never have to make. And all these is because you are insulated by wealth and proceeds of corruption, stole from Kenyans. It is sad to note that you guys even steal from the sick!!!!

Our fears to you are just distractions, meant to interrupt your feasting on the taxes paid by suffering Kenyans.

No wander, you create digital portals to show case your “achievements”.

Raila is even more afraid of what would become of this bad situation, should Jubilee rig itself back to power.

We as citizens of the great republican of kenya, driven by the fear of unemployment, higher inflation, stagnant economy, low wages, high insecurity, higher prices of goods and services, political intimidation, will Join Raila, ODM and/or NASA to vote out Jubilee, who has courageously stolen from us, in 8/8/17.

Thank you!

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