Thursday, 27 April 2017

Kenya jobs, 

Peter had applied for the position of Finance and Administration Officer online which according to the advert was being offered by The Africa Reproductive Health Initiative. With a six figure salary and entry level requirements, anyone could have fallen victim to these con artists.

The mentioned job advert was not advertised on Career Point Kenya but has been doing rounds online and you may have come across it at one point especially if you are an entry-level job seeker.

After a few days, he received a reply which we as Career Point Kenya is sharing as a warning to all job seekers. Don’t be scammed. The below job advert is a scam and should be treated as such!

Finance and Administration Officer Job at The Africa Reproductive Health Initiative

Requirements for qualification

According to the advert, you only require a Diploma/Degree in Finance, Accounting and Business Administration and one or more years of finance, accounting and business administration experience in international non-for-profit organizations funded by international donors/source of funding.

And the deal even gets better;

The lucky candidate will be taking the following;

We offer a competitive remuneration based on skill and experience including:

  • Monthly Salary KES 320, 000 pm.
  • Group Medical and Life Cover.
  • Relocation Cost and Housing Covered by the Employer.
  • Per diem and overnight allowance on mission not in duty stations.
  • Availability: State availability (notice period) in your application letter.

Here is the Reply From The Scam Alert!

Dear Peter,

I trust you are fine.

We have reviewed your application, qualifications and experience and pre- shortlisted you for the Finance and Administration Officer Position – based in our regional office in Nakuru, Kenya but with travel on assignment to Co-operating Partner Offices in Uganda, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on need basis.

For the full Job description and remuneration terms, please see the attached Job description document (MS Word 2003-2007)

Find attached to this email our entry assessment form for new staff joining the organization. Fill it honestly and accurately and return the same to me as soon as possible as we need to fill the position very urgently due to work backlog in our office (by 26/4/2017).

For the position, the organization requires your latest Psychometric LAP score as per the desired qualifications but given the geographical separation, as the recruitment is being done here in Belgium, we are unable to conduct the same.

We request you to submit this together with the filled entry assessment form.

If your LAP is not ready, please fill and send back to me the new staff entry assessment form but schedule your LAP with an International invigilator including but not limited to the below invigilators and email me your score as soon as possible:

Carta HR Advisory Group
Katie Holmes Consultants

Any other accredited LAP Invigilator is fine as well.

Please scan and email the certified LAP score to reach me on or before close of business, 26th April 2017 if you would wish to proceed with the recruitment process.

Wishing you all the best in remaining application processes. AFRHI is an equal opportunity employer. Any solicitation will lead to disqualification.

Kind regards,
Laura Marty,
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer,
The Africa Reproductive Health Initiative (AFRHI),
4 Place du Champ de Mars, B-1050,
Brussels, Belgium.
Tel: + 32 2 808 4400,
Fax: + 32 2 808 9070.

What a Job Scam Entails

Most job seekers end up falling prey to these conmen parading as employers. And in such a process, most of them end up losing a lot of money – money that they don’t have because they are jobless.

According to HR, no employer should ask you to pay anything at any stage of the recruitment. If a company is genuine, the recruitment process is free of charge and you should treat as a scammer anyone who asks you to pay anything.

Most scammers will ask you to send money either for medical cover, which is always refundable if you don’t succeed in getting the job. You could also be asked to send a certain amount to conduct a background check. Do not send any money.

On the same note, any person who asks you to get assessment forms on your own as per the above email response is a scammer. It is the duty of the employer to provide the necessary documents that the job seeker is supposed to fill out in the recruitment stage. And by the way, this is also a free service. You should never pay to undertake an assessment no matter how tempting the salary is.

Related: 7 Smart Ways to Spot a Job Scam For Kenyan Job Seekers

The post Job Scam Alert! The Africa Reproductive Health Initiative appeared first on Corporate Staffing Services. Click On The Title For The Original & More Posts

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