There’s one thing Kenyans like more than their morning tea, and that is political analysis. Or as I like calling it, conspiracy theory.
With the ongoing political activities in the country, this job of analysing politics has become quite lucrative. Out of nowhere, some recently unknown figures are now regulars on our TV stations.
One of them is Herman Manyora, a Language and Communication lecturer at the University of Nairobi. He is unapologetically pro-opposition, but once in a while finds a balance and makes objective observations.
On Tuesday night when Kiambu results started coming in, it happened that Manyora was in Citizen TV studios. Naturally, he was asked to comment.
He played along with Kabogo’s concession statement, and said that there are indeed forces out to push him out. He said all this is because of 2022 succession politics. He was obviously implying that the election was possibly rigged in Waititu’s favour, with fingers pointed at the Deputy President William Ruto.
For context, Kabogo was last year in the news when he made a statement which was implied to mean that Kikuyu support for Ruto in 2022 is not guaranteed.
This is actually an argument that was carried on by many pro-opposition blogger.
However, you ask anyone who voted in Kiambu and there’s an almost zero chance he or she thinks it was rigged. The ground was simply too hostile for Kabogo, especially in the last 3 or so weeks when propaganda reached unparalleled levels.
Read: Kabogo shockingly concedes to Waititu
Capitalizing on Kabogo’s well known arrogance, some guys started spreading fake news on nasty things he supposedly said. It was easy for the electorate to believe because it wouldn’t be out of character for Kabogo to make such statements.
Word spread fast, and this motivated thousands to turn up and teach him a lesson in humility.
It was actually some kind of poetic justice because Kabogo is known to employ such tactics, but this time as they say, “Pwagu alipata Pwaguzi”.
Everyone on the ground understands Kabogo lost fair and square, and that’s why some viewers were not impressed by Manyora’s analysis.
Here are some reactions in reply to a Citizen TV tweet.
Manyora: Kabogo is not a pushover. If there is a reason powers that be want him out, it is because of 2022 #TheBigQuestion, @HusseinMohamedg
— Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg I am getting entertained by a stupid Professor. Nobody interfered with Kiambu nominations.Kiambu decided. @ManyiraHerman
— Duncan Muchiri (@DuncanMuchiri) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya the smallest way of thinking by a professor.
— Samuel Theuri (@Samuelk11218418) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg never understood why @ntvkenya n @citizentvkenya think this guy is a political analyst @HManyora must be coming cheap
— Free Thought (@Freddienjau) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg You need to understand kiambu politics more. He sponsored mcas in each ward and people got mad. We voted against him not for waititu.
— George Mugambi (@mugambimuthamia) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg No one in the party is pushing him out. It is the citizens of Kiambu especially the in sympathy to the women
— Eric.m.caffie (@Eric_caffie) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Prof Manyara papa hapo tawe.this is not true.Wanjiku has spoken not about future leadership.I think you pasting DP with unnecessary issues.
— Isaac Ndegwa (@ndegwa_isaac) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Bw. Manyora you arguments are out of context lately. Kindly have your facts check
— MP_Philip (@mp_philo) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg let Manyora know he lost fair and square, Ruiru he lost ground longtime ago and its his home turf.
— james kimani kuira (@jameskuira) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya manyora should not be talking about kiambu coz he knows nothing about kiambu
— Paul Kuria (@PaulKur07287030) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya Kabogo is just bitter of his pride he should not blame anyone he should have said all he said today yesterday.
— MUSSA CRANE (@cranesenteman) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Manyora u have lost it
— jimmy githu (@JimmyGithu) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg We are also fed up with the so called analysts like Manyora who tend to think that the know everything about politics #TheBigQuestion
— Enos Obura (@enos_obura) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg NO NO NO. Its not about 2022. Wanjiku has spoken LOUD & CLEAR. Direct Ticket Holders ALSO OUT 8/8/17!
— Heho (@Heho_K) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg These your analyst have no clue. Kabogo was removed by the people who had grown tired!
— KARIUKI NJOROGE (@Wa_Wamukuhi) April 26, 2017
@citizentvkenya who will save us from this so called political analyst from river Rd..Kiambu people have spoken
— James Gachago (@JamesGachago) April 26, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg It’s the people that didn’t want Kabogo. It’s that simple.
— Nelson Mukora Ndigi (@mukoran) April 26, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg This must be a professor of ignorance and stupidity
— Alafu (@gitundujeph) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya Hussein Pliz remove this Manyora he’s too subjective!!!can’t argue objectively only bringing his party politics!!
— kangethe winnie (@kangethewinnie) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Manyora should not even be close to Citizen stations.the man is deluded . this is not Moi era
— KINGSMAN (@davitorreto) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Tell Manyora that he does not know about Kiambu politics . We the people want Kabogo out and we are not under the direction if any one.
— Suleiman Mwangi (@Sukamwa) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Manyora is completely wrong . Today a vote against Kabogo was a vote favoring the Kiambu woman who carry more influence than you would think
— Eric.m.caffie (@Eric_caffie) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya I tend to agree with prof. Manyora on many occasions..but this one nimekataa, am from kiambu and the atmosphere on the ground was kabogo out
— MuturiMartin (@MuturiMartin) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya Manyora reading from different script Kabogo Paying for his arrogance
— peter koinange m (@koinangemp) April 26, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Tell Manyora that he does not know about Kiambu politics . We the people want Kabogo out and we are not under the direction if any one.
— Suleiman Mwangi (@Sukamwa) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya why is Manyora insulting our intelligence? We simply didn’t want Kabogo
— David Mwenda Kariuki (@davidmwendak) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya Prof Manyora should know Kiambu ppl were fed up,kabogo go home #JubileeNominations
— Joe Karanja (@joekaranja91) April 25, 2017
@citizentvkenya @HusseinMohamedg Hussein, kindly tell Manyora it’s who wanjiku voted. The MCAs allied to kabogo are loosing the same.
— Kimunya kinyua (@kkimunya) April 25, 2017
Ⓒ 2014 Nairobi Wire
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