By Tom Dienya
Jack, you have announced that you want be, once again, the governor of Kisumu county; you are asking for a re-election, #RangumaTena; to be recycled. Well, we have a few questions we have to ask you, very honestly. Please, answer the following questions:
i) What is it that you have done for the people of Kisumu County; the one or two outstanding things, that you can say you have achieved since you became governor 4 years back? You have been asked this question many times, and your typical response; that you have been busy putting up ssstt….rru…ct..ures……….., for which you means STRUCTURES, a word that comes out so badly in your stammering surmise. Structures, JR. What is structures? This not what you said you will pursue as priority. Right?
ii) What is your vision, or simply your dream, for Kisumu? It is strange that to date, you still have no big bang dream for Kisumu, despite having spent over four years, over-sleeping on the job. Strangely, when this question is posed to the First Lady (JR you really ridicule yourself by always insisting on this painful tag), her most remarkable answer is that Kisumu will be like Machakos County!!! Aiii, yawa!!
iii) JR, is it true that you suffer from social and judgmental insomnia? One, you are neither popular amongst the youth, women groups, persons with disabilities, Legion of Mary, and other social groupings in Kisumu. Instead, and strangely so, you are only popular with the Bodaboda riders. How, Jack, are you oblivious of the brand these category of social class carry on their backs? Ehe? Not to forget, some moons ago, out of nowhere, you found strange inspiration on taking three dozens of the same Kisumu Bodaboda riders to a benchmarking tour in Rwanda, at a cost of Ksh 300 Millions only!!! What sort of judgement are these this JR? As a manger, what do you achieve with these kinds of decisions?
iv) At the peak of your last campaign, you swayed us with your intended support for agriculture. You almost called yourself Mr Nice, sorry Rice man, as you said that you will use rice in Kisumu county to demonstrate how Africans can easily solve the problem of food security.
To date JR, Ahero Irrigation, which was once vibrant under the national government, has not seen a drop of irrigation water, four years after you took over. The last time you were there to talk to rice farmers, what we saw was a physical fight between your Minister and the rustic Nyando MP Outa!! And how about Sugarcane farming, Jack? Never has this key cash crop done so poorly in the history of Kisumu. Look at the Muhoroni factory, for example. This very factory that gave you the first political footstep in Kisumu as you were the caretaker manager, has remained on the same status: Lock, Stock and Barrel, eight years after your stint there!! You still have nothing to sugarcane farmers?
v) Jack, you will be remembered for presiding over the most chaotic county assembly South of Sahara. Why? To date, no other county assembly beat Kisumu with regards to the number of speakers admitted to hospital, number of teeth, shoes, bags lost on the floor as your untamed, disgraceful MCAs fight daily instead of discussing serious matters that affect Kisumu. Is it true that forever, you have been held hostage and powerless by these brand of MCAs, led by Chairman Ong’ow and a streak of like-minded MCAs?
vi) JR, we put it to you: You are selfish and deeply insecure, to explain why you seem to be very sensitive and hyper reactive to simple questions put to you on performance, integrity, accountability and responsibility. Is it? When, sometimes back, a couple of your own ministers asked you about your management and commitment on delivering the Kisumu promise, you reacted by sacking them on the spot!! Despite polite warning that this decision was childish and illegal, you acted like Abanuas, continuing to cut the very branch of tree on which you were sitting. At the end of it, when the branch fell down, the act left you with a lot of Omena on your face, as the courts ruled that the fired Ministers had to be compensated. Compensation you did, but from our own, not your coffers!! Jack, being asked accountability questions and your typical arms-length reaction, also explains why you no longer see eye to eye with your deputy, the sister of Raila Odinga, with him you were co-joined at the hip through a strange political maneuver that has never been unrevealed to us to date. That a side.
vii) JR, the latest issue on that plate is the simmering disquiet on whether you could be trying to build a JLM. Jeshy La Mzee, Jack, is a serious matter given the stakes in the up-coming party nominations. Is this true, JR, or is it just a conspiracy theory, as many your staunch supporter claimed when this issue popped up?
Vii) Lastly JR, it is about your nickname, Kanungo. What we gather, heaven forbid, is that the only achievement you managed as governor of Kisumu is your prowess and mastery at over indulging at the dance floor. So good are you with curved women on the floor that people are often left to wonder whether this could be your true calling. Ask local DJs in many Kisumu night clubs. The claim is that whenever the Governor steps into the dance floor, the DJ computer automatically reads: “a new software has been found”. Not bad, Jack the Jackal, and dancing software, if to add just an asterisk to your accolade.
In summery JR, we ask you: WHY??? Why do you want us to give you this job again? Why Kanungo? what difference will it make? Please answer the above questions. Amen
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