No Thank you Mr. President. Jubilee at four is the reason why.
In dismissing you as unfit for further duty as the CEO of Kenya, I will reference;
1.The Constitution of Kenya
2.Your Jubilee Manifesto
3. Your attitude
A. You sir are the Head of State and Government and a symbol of national unity. Let me read this together with your roles which include; promote and enhance the unity of the nation; promote and respect the diversity of the people and communities of Kenya. Among other things you are to yearly report, in an address to the nation, on all the measures taken and the progress achieved in the realization of the national values, referred to in Article 10. The national values and principles of governance include;
(a) patriotism, national unity, sharing and devolution of power, the rule of law, democracy and participation of the people;
(b) human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-discrimination and protection of the marginalized;
(c) good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability;
(d) sustainable development;
Even if I just stopped at this, it already reads like everything you have failed at on your Terms of reference given to you by Kenyan Citizens, “50%” willingly and 50% grudgingly, all of who are tax payers.
Kenyans have never been more divided, angrier and frustrated by the president like they are during this term you have served. You have openly pointed fingers and insulted Kenyans who as you say “Hamkutupigia kura”. I assure you, in 2017 they will not vote for you, again.
Good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability are values as indicated in the constitution that cannot be associated with yourself nor any of your right-hand men and women in government, nor associates as close as nuclear family members. You have openly shoved our faces in brazen theft vomit after “Meat eating sprees” because meat is for those who voted for you. You have further demonstrated this in your various appointments and exclusion much to the chagrin of the diverse Kenyans.
It was painful to hear and watch you throw your hands up in the air at our state house, flanked by DPP, Chief justice, Attorney General and EACC chair, saying there is nothing you can do. Nothing. Previous year you declared corruption “a national security threat” , now racing into 300,000,000,000 KSH worth. Here is one thing you can do. Go Home and Stay Home.
B. Contrary to your belief, the constitution is not a literature suggestion of feel good to do good, it explicitly states; You are to respect, uphold and safeguard this Constitution, yet you have severally proclaimed you wish you did not have to work with this constitution. The constitution that creates the very office you sit in and you swore to safeguard. The Constitution of Kenya is the supreme law of the Republic of Kenya. It seems to offend you so Here is a suggestion; Go Home and Stay Home.
C. It is no wonder your halfhearted and grudging implementation of the Devolution government relationships. We regret that it is you who had to birth Devolution because you arrived with a hacksaw and a terrible attitude. You have flouted the Letter and spirit of devolution on more than enough occasions. You have further disrespected and insulted the people of Kenya and their sovereignty. The people exercise their sovereign power either directly or through their democratically elected representatives and I dare site the following offices; national executive and the executive structures in the county governments. The sovereign power of the people is exercised at the national level and the county level. Your statesmanship and Leadership has been some ghostly, emaciated and temperamental outbursts of handling this delicate transition. For this disrespect to Kenyans, just go home and Stay there.
A. “What we propose is something of a revolution in Kenya; a revolution at its most basic that will:
- a. Put food and clean water on every Kenyan table
- b. Ensure that every child in Kenya gets quality education
- c. Create wealth
- d. Ensure that every Kenyan gets quality and affordable healthcare
- e. Empower Kenyan women to take their rightful place in developing this country”
Now if I was to rate your performance against your own promises, it is an Uncontested Grade E. We live in this country, we know. We pay the price for your arrogant detachment from real day to day challenges in the very areas you called ‘Most Basic”. These items don’t need intelligent PowerPoints and fantastic, imagined figures that cannot be backed up. Beautiful posters and infographics look like insults to us.
On Item c. you have created wealth for the people aforementioned in the massive theft and corruption cases you declared a threat to National security. It has been a treat of Scandal after scandal to the extent Kenyans have developed an immunity to your sanctioned theft that has been the Hallmark and North star of your 4-year economic gang rape reign.
B. Your Pillar of Unity (Umoja), aimed at eliminating ethnic divisions has belly flopped led by non-other than yourself Mr. President.
The second pillar of Economy (Uchumi) has not only ensured food and basic needs hosts have skyrocketed by almost 100% increase. As for Land Reforms that was to ensure a property-owning democracy, we all know the myth of Arap Mashamba. Kenyans are not fools. Don’t insult us.
The Third Pillar of Openness (Uwazi) that you said will Clean up the Mess occasioned by corrupt deals in Kenya, has ranked us the 6th most corrupt country globally and Number 1 in Africa by the EY Fraud Survey report published 5 days ago.
You have failed yourself beyond failing us. So please take our advice and relieve yourself further frustration by repeated failure.
YOUR OVERALL ATTITUDEA. Self-Preservation: Unfortunately for us you have come off as one whose sole mandate is to expand personal and family interest across industries and globally from your view at the top.
B. Financial aggression attended to by greed; despite your pitch for the need to borrow 900,000,000 daily as a country you don’t seem to have a grasp of basic financial tenets like being conservative, minding the overheads and wastage. It’s a free for all financial blood thirst. You are like a baby in a candy shop, eager to keep sucking the lollipops.C. Outright Bad manners; I hope your children are proud of you when you spew insults to any human being, let alone a people chosen leader in a democratic country.
Based on this Appraisal Dear Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, Go Home. It will take us decades to recover from the multiple juvenile decisions and their impact, but we will try again. We need to attain True Economic Independence 54 years on, the real Uhuru.
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