The kind of interview questions to expect in a job interview are endless. There is no manual containing all questions and their answers. So the best next thing you can do is to familiarize yourself with as many questions as you can. This way, you won’t have to worry about being caught off-guard by interviewers.
In an earlier post we shared with you on Wednesday, we talked about 5 of 10 interview questions to expect in Kenya. If for one reason or other you missed the post, click here to read. Today, we are going to complete that list by sharing 5 more questions.
Interview Questions and Answers to Expect, Continued
6. What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you handle it?
Every person with a certain level of experience has had to face a difficult situation one time or the other. Maybe you had to deal with a tough client, an angry customer or maybe it was just a complexity of a project.
This question can also be posed this way; how do you handle a challenge in your organization? Whatever your story is, you should be able to tell a story of the difficulty and explain how best you handled it.
Here is a Sample Answer we also shared in a previous post.
There was this time when my direct supervisor was taken ill in the middle of an important project that involved getting a new supplier onboard. He wasn’t in a position to perform any of his duties and I had to come up with a presentation from the little we had discussed.
I found it a challenge as it was my first time, but I did my research, consulted the manager on the areas I felt stuck and put together a successful presentation.
7. What do you dislike or like about your current job?
It’s very easy to point out the things you dislike about a job. Or at least it’s common among very many employees and job seekers. But be very careful about what you say. The interviewer will use this information to judge if you will be able to fit in the company’s culture.
If your dislikes and likes don’t relate to the company or position, then somebody else will get the job.
Here is a sample answer:
One of the things I like most is the leadership team. They know all employees on a first name basis and always strive to foster personal connections. I also appreciate how the company works to do community outreach with local organizations.
One thing that raised my concern was the availability of challenges. As a new employee, the company offered me a great opportunity (that I’ll always be grateful for). However, after being there for so many years, I feel that I am not able to reach my full potential. That’s why I applied for this specific job. It encompasses the kind of role I am looking for.
8. Why should we hire you?
This is a classic. Every interviewer will ask you this particular question during an interview. They might phrase it a little different but the answer they are looking for is the same.
For instance, some may decide to ask the same question in these ways; why do you think you are the best candidate? What value do you think you will bring to this position? Or do you think you are the right fit for the position?
It doesn’t matter how this question is asked or whether you are a fresh graduate or experienced professional, interviewers want to know how much you want the job.
Here are 3 different ways you can give an impressive answer.
9. How often were you absent from your previous job?
Were you always faking a sickness to get away from work for at least a day? Did you take too many off days that it raised eyebrows? Or did you just don’t like your job and looked for every chance to be absent?
An employer or interviewer will want to know. And don’t believe that you are going to craft a lie and get away with it, if you are asked this particular question, be sure it will be revisited during the reference checks. So when answering, don’t just say “not often” or “I was absent a couple of times”. End with something positive like in this answer below.
Sample Answer when you were absent for long periods. “I was hardly ever absent from my job without a good reason. There was this particular time I had to take an extended time off from my job. I made sure to make prior arrangements with my employer to give me the okay to be away.
I also made sure to leave my emergency contacts time and all information on pending projects so everything could continue to run smoothly. And when I got back, I talked to clients and colleagues to find out if everything run as planned.”
10. What are some of your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
This is also another classic that doesn’t seem to get old among recruiters. Some have done away with these particular question, considering it archaic, but others are still hooked. So, just in case you come across the interviewers that are in love with your strengths and weaknesses, here is how to answer.
Click here to learn how to answer the question on your greatest strengths, and here for greatest weaknesses.
For any assistance with your interview coaching, contact for an appointment.
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