Monday, 15 May 2017

By Phil W
One of the key messages coming out of the #NakuruNiNASA rally delivered in no uncertain terms by all NASA Pentagon members was that NASA movement would not accept an appeals court ruling which would reverse recent high court ruling which stripped the IEBC chairperson of powers of adjusting constituency results during tallying of the presidential election.

In Nakuru, NASA threatened unprecendented mass action if the Appeals Court reversed the ruling of the High Court judges which said that if the results are altered at the national tallying centre, that would be against the principle of a free and fair election.

In essence, the high court rendered the infamous National Tallying Centre completely useless in determining the president-elect. In the last decade ,the amorphous IEBC – NTC is what has stood in the path of a popularly elected Raila Odinga to State House.

Against all expectations, the IEBC almost immediately decided to appeal this historic High Court decision and goings on in the Appeal Court suggests that the SYSTEM is pulling stings to get friendly judges appointed to make a ruling in IEBC’s favour, with the petitioner’s lawyer also make wild claims that the High Court had failed to distinguish between announcement of poll results by Returning Officers and the declaration of presidential election results by the IEBC Chairperson. How can the decision of individuals at the national office supersede that of officials who supervised the voting and oversaw counting first hand?

The ill intentions of the IEBC on the appeal of presidential vote tally are not difficult to discern. IEBC is is no longer independent and is acting at the behest of the SYSTEM.

First, in appealing, IEBC are essentially disowning their own Returning Officers whom they solely recruited, trained, and freely appointed. Secondly, although IEBC has the ability to increase capacity of ROs at the constituency level to eliminate any possible errors, they strangely do not want to pursue this practical solution. Thirdly, they fail to reveal what back up method the IEBC national office will use that is superior and exceeds that of their own officers on the ground in constituencies and wards who witnessed the actual vote counting.

In 2013, PNU (today’s Jubilee), converted Bomas of Kenya into a heavily fortified national tallying centre and to the horror of Kenyans kidnapped the IEBC CEO Oswago and held him at an undisclosed location before ordering CORD agents out of the National Tallying Centre. From then on, having already linked servers with TNA/NIS from Bomas, however much people voted and results came in, the gap between Uhuru and Raila remained at 800,000 odd votes. They had cracked the computer codes which meant that the winner was created via a computer programming hack job and not the popular vote of Kenyans. To anyone with a keen eye, this is what presidential election hacking looks like — dramatic, national-scale interference that manually rewrites tallies from the constituencies and hands the victory to the SYSTEM’s candidate.

You can safely conclude that the IEBC commissioners led by its Chairman Wafula Chebukati and CEO Ezra Chiloba are planning to pull rigging moves from the 2013 playbook. Only this time it will not be allowed courtesy of the High Court ruling. Instead of surrendering it democratic rights to commissioners who have chosen to be puppets of the SYSTEM; then there is no point of having elections if the winner is predetermined by this small clique of oligarchs.

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