Sunday, 28 May 2017


*The Canaan NASA Promises*

1. Canaan is A land rich in productivity. It is a Land that produces its own food
We will Bring Kenya back to its productivity; Kenya used to produce sugar, sisal, cotton, sugarcane, pyrethrum in nyandarua, fish

2. Canaan is a place where there is security, a safe place.
We promise that our People will live without fear and NASA already truly cares about Kenyans.

3. Canaan is a place for everyone.
We believe that Everyone is equal and will be given equal opportunity in places of leadership and in public resources allocation.

4. Canaan is a place where people can breathe; their rights respected, their space respected, their dignity valued, their voice heard:
NASA government will respect its people

5. Canaan is a place where people access deserved opportunities;
Anyone who has worked hard, gone to school will get their deserved opportunity
The sacrifices the parents have made taking their children to school will be rewarded by allowing their children opportunities
Talents will be natured and grown
*All fruits are within reach for all Kenyans*

6. Canaan is a place with fair business practice;
Ideas will be given a chance and rewarded, you will be encouraged, you will not be harassed.

7. Canaan is a Place where our mothers, our sisters, our daughters are respected and treated with equality
We will ensure The gender bill not having fair chance currently is not fair to the women
NASA will make sure the gender bill is implemented​

8. Canaan is a land governed by the law and good public service
There will be no police brutality, denial of ids to citizens, harassment and extra judicial killings will not tolerated​

9. Canaan is a land where what is said is what is done
Kenyans will know the meaning of Kusema na kutenda”
We in NASA Know Leadership is about honor

10. In Canaan Healthcare is affordable to all Kenyans. It is a fact that People fear getting sick-unaogopa kuwa mgonjwa hadi unakuwa mgonjwa, it has been too expensive to simply be human due to sickness poverty.
NASA will ensure all Kenyans access all Primary health care

Wakenya kiatu cha ukabila sote tutaacha mlangoni Tukifika Canaan.

God Bless Kenya

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