Monday, 29 May 2017

By Joshua R A O

My fellow Kenyans, I come to you at the most crucial time in the history of our republic. I come to you knowing fully well that you are suffering, your voices are not being heard, you are the victims of a failed regime, a regime led by two leaders who promised you heaven and delivered the opposite.

I have witnessed your suffering and feel your pain and let me say to you that in less than three months, you will say goodbye to the Jubilee-engineered suffering, in just under three months, you will have a leader who has time for you, you will have a leader who listens to you, you will have a leader who puts you first.

Four years ago, two gentlemen came to you with grandiose promises, prompting you to act on faith and chose youthfulness over experience and while I am tempted not to invoke the words of a former leader of a country way beyond our shores who declared that he would not exploit, for political purposes the youthfulness and inexperience of his opponent, Uhuruto’s inexperience has brought nothing but pure suffering and backbreaking high cost of living to you the mwanainchi and I am here to tell you that help is on the way!

NASA will unshackle you from the dire straits that Uhuruto dumped you into and bring back the dignity in your household by way of creating more jobs, reducing the high costs of living, buttressing our economy with sound monetary policies that will reduce our debt, balance the national budget and curb inflation.

To our teachers, NASA saw the political ping pong that Jubilee subjected you to as some families were torn apart and some even lost their loved ones by way of suicide. Help is on the way. I am here to tell you that we respect what you do for our republic and my government will work with you to ensure that the collective bargaining agreement is adhered to.

To our men and women of utumishi kwa wote, I know how you feel. This government takes you for granted. You live in tin shacks and are severely exposed to danger in areas that most folks wouldn’t dare set foot. Jubilee’s reward for you has been meagre pay and poor living conditions. You are left clutching on a G3 rifle all day on an empty stomach! We can do better. NASA has heard you. My government will invest in decent housing for our men and women in uniform and review their remuneration packages.

Our nation’s doctors just endured one of the most embarrassing political stunts in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, Wanjiku bore the brunt. I promise to end the era of political stunts on the livelihoods of Kenyans who take up the noble lines of work. Labour laws must be respected and NASA will be a people-first government.

I am running for president because I have heard you calling for help, I have seen how Jubilee has failed you and I am here to tell you that their days are numbered.

Armed with a nasal drawl and a tongue of a used car salesman, Uhuru sold a utopian narrative and ended up failing in a spectacular fashion. It’s your turn to have the last laugh.

I ask you to join me so that come August 8th, we can say no to governance by PR, say no to an officialdom that brags about juicy delicacies while Kenyans are going to bed hungry, say no to imaginary development projects that only exist on web portals, say no to tribal appointments, say no to backbreaking debt that will be transferred to your kids and grandkids, say no to trash-talking leadership and say no to the most incompetent and corrupt government in the history of Kenya.

When you vote for NASA, you will be saying hallo to affordable cost of living, a booming economy, a secure Kenya, a respected neighbor ( Uhuruto have turned Kenya into a regional dwarf and laughing stock), a beacon of hope and prosperity.

For close to five years, Jubilee has been at war with your wallets and purses. It’s time to end that war by voting for NASA.

I ask for your vote.

Thank you and may God bless our nation.

The most important ingredient of any presidential campaign is the why-I am- running component. It’s the nucleus of the campaign and what drives the campaign’s message throughout the campaign period. If a candidate for President fails to articulate this key part of the campaign, then everything shuts down and the campaign is effectively still-born. In 1980, Senator Ted Kennedy was caught off-guard on national TV when a reporter asked him to articulate why he was running for president and the man known as the lion of the U.S. Senate delivered one of the most embarrassing and awkward responses ever. He had no clue why he was running for president.

That moment of humiliation, confirmed to the American people that the good senator was running for president just because he was a Kennedy! His campaign went nowhere and he ended up endorsing Jimmy Carter at the convention.

Hillary Clinton’s brain trust spent a gazillion weeks trying to come up with their why-she-is-running rationale and ended up parlaying a weak and rather banal line that opened the gates, agonizingly too wide for Donald Trump to cash in.

By Jackson Omondi

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