Monday, 12 June 2017

Kenya jobs, 

Maya Angelou once said. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

Most people today use 30 as the age determiner for almost everything. If you are 30 and not married, your folks start asking those hard to answer questions. So do your aunties, uncles, grandparents and the society. They believe if you are not married at 30, something is wrong.The same applies when you don’t have a job, are married without kids and when your successful career is not reflecting in your bank account.

The other day I was talking to a lady who was so surprised because a 27-year-old lady was earning 100K in salary. She couldn’t fathom how someone her age was earning twice her salary. She didn’t like it, didn’t understand it and was determined to learn the secret.If you are like this lady and are not happy with your salary, you can always change to a better salary before you clock 30. Here is how.

How to Earn a Higher Salary before 30

1. Gain the Experience Required

If you have the experience an employer is looking for, you can expect to earn a higher salary. And I am not talking about the years of experience. I am talking about the relevant experience that has translated into results.

If you are currently employed and are hoping for a salary increase, you have to show results. And results come with being well experienced that you can do your job with your eyes closed.

If you are hoping to ask for a higher salary in your next job, you experience in the role should be unquestionable. So, in order to ask for a salary raise and get it, learn whatever it is the job requires.

2. Become the Expert Your Employer Runs To

You can’t be running through the motions of the day in your job and expect a higher salary. Your boss or potential employer wants to work with employees who bring value to the company. And when you bring value, it should be easy enough to get the salary you want or to get something closer.

Ask yourself, what value do I add in my current position? What value will I be adding in the position I am applying for? When you find the answer to these questions, demanding a higher salary should be met with a strong Yes.

3. Establish a Skill Gap in Your Industry and Master it

What is it that you know and other people don’t? Is it a computer software that can solve your employer’s problems? Is it a new system that is giving a headache to employees in other departments? Or is it that you have a special way of handling clients that they keep coming back?

Find out what most people in your profession or industry fail at, and capitalize on it. It will prove an important skill that employers will not want to let you go. This then means that you will be able to command a higher salary whenever you need it.

4. Master the Confidence to Ask for It

If you lack the confidence to ask your boss for a salary increase or to negotiate your worth in an interview, you are not alone. Many people find the process of asking for a salary you deserve tacky and demeaning. They are afraid the boss will say no or that they will miss out on the job. While this is true, the opposite is also true. The boss could agree to the raise and that potential employer would take your boldness in good light. But you will never know if you don’t ask.

If you want to earn a higher salary before 30, get your confidence rolling. Fake it if you must, and learn to take rejection like a boss. It’s the only way you can change that which you don’t like. Bonus Tip: Work for a company that appreciates the services of their employers. This means top companies and organisations that have a reputation of paying customers well. Conduct your research on companies that pay well and work towards getting a job there.

5. Consider Career Coaching

Getting yourself the guidance of a good career coach can make a huge difference in your career growth and ultimately increase your income and job satisfaction before hitting 30. Getting a career coach can greatly improve your judgment in the jobs and employers you target, in how you interview, and in where you eventually land your next job. A good career coach will help you apply all of the good tips you have received and customize all of them to your needs helping you land that greatly satisfying and well-paying position you have always coveted.

More on career coaching here.

In the End…

To get what you want, you must be ready to ask for it, work for it and earn it. There is no short cut. So if you are looking to earn a higher salary before 30, take all the steps that you need to get there. You will probably work harder than you’d like, use the money to learn new courses and shake like a leaf from fear. But you will ultimately get the salary you need.How to Earn a Higher Salary before you Hit 30


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