For a man who manufactures nothing of note and offers no service to humanity beyond cutting deals and fixing tenders, the Kenyan taxpayer has gifted Mr Jimi Richard Wanjigi a fairy tale existence.
At the gate of his residence in the upmarket Nairobi suburb of Muthaiga are four lion sculptures, visible from the main road.
From a distance they resemble Chinese female lion foo dogs, spiritual images to protect those inside.
“They are for fortune and health. There are many more talismanic images in his office and at home. There are some that you are not allowed to touch,” a person who knows Mr Wanjigi well told the Nation.
In traditional China, foo dogs, usually made of stone or bronze, are a sign that the place they are ‘guarding’ is important — and so is Muthaiga 44, the residence of wheeler-dealer Jimi Wanjigi that is styled like the entrance to an ancient Gothic castle.
The palm trees that dot the compound, and the landscaped lawns at the gate, are the first indicators of the expensive taste that Mr Wanjigi has cultivated.
A source told the Nation that he paid Sh20 million to have a Nairobi company install the Poggenpohl kitchen, one of the top luxury kitchen brands.
Read the full story here.
SOURCE: Daily Nation
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