Stand Out With These Job Interview Tips
The political season is over and it’s now time to get back to business. If you have not been very successful in landing your ideal job it may be time to go back to the drawing board and correct some job search mistakes you may have made in the past with this interview tips.
If you have been invited to several interviews but you still haven’t gotten a job offer, the problem could be in your interviewing skills.
How do you behave in that interviewing room? Good interview skills will land you the job as long as you are qualified.
I sat down with Ms. Lucy Mutungi, an Interview Coach at Corporate Staffing Services who works with candidates to prepare them for interviews. I sat down with her to get her insight on how best candidates like you can stand out in any job interview.
Here are some of her insights on how best candidates like you can stand out in any job interview.
Best Practices in a Job Interview That Will Help You Stand Out
1.Arrive on Time
Punctuality is the greatest quality that employers appreciate in their employees. Arriving on time at an interview rather than waltzing in ten or twenty minutes later, all sweaty and reeking of confusion will give you more chances of getting that job.
Arriving on time allows you time to compose your thoughts, prepare your responses and is also a way of showing that you respect the interviewer.
It is common knowledge that arriving late to an interview will work against you most of the time. Therefore, if you suspect that you won’t arrive on time, common sense dictates that you call ahead of time and explain your situation.
They will take you more seriously if you are that candidate who bothered to call and say they are running late rather than just walking in apologizing at that time.
Related>>The Worst Mistakes People Make in A Job Interview
2.Turn your cell phone off or put it into silent mode
“There is nothing as rude as a candidate walking into an interview room and their phone keeps buzzing in the middle of the session,” says Ms. Mutungi.
“It doesn’t matter how much qualified you are for the job, what the interview will take from such an experience is that you are rude and you are not taking them seriously.”
The moment you arrive at the interview, nothing should be more important than the interview itself. Turn off your phone or put it in silent mode to avoid any interruption.
Turn off your phone or put it in silent mode.
3. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer
The best communicators maintain eye contact with the person they are speaking to. It is highly important that you avoid shifting your gaze away from the interview.
It is highly important that you avoid shifting your gaze away from the interview.
It goes to show that you are attentive and paying attention to what you are saying. The opposite shows a lack of interest and not caring about what the interviewer is talking about.
4. Ensure that you are the first to greet the interviewer
Have you ever walked into an interview room, met the eyes of the interviewer, you smiled they did the same them an awkward silence followed and you start panicking on what to do next.
Your main goal in an interview is to impress that interviewer and that should start the moment you walk into that room. Offer the greetings instead of waiting for them to greet first. Who knows? They might just be testing you to see how you will handle the situation.
Who knows? They just might be testing you to see how you will handle the situation.
5.Allow the interviewer to speak first before you respond
“I don’t know if it’s overconfidence or lack of it, but many candidates end up messing in this,” says Ms. Mutungi.
The one rule about conversations is to allow the other person to speak first before airing your opinion or responding. The same goes with job interviewers. Continuously interrupting the interviewer, will portray you in a bad light and you are not likely to be given an offer.
6.Be prepared, carry the right documents and samples of your work if need be
Another best practice in a job interview is to always be prepared as a candidate. Chances are the recruiter will call you days prior to the interview and will suggest what you are to bring with you and do there is no excuse for you to walk in unprepared.
You don’t want to walk into an interview room and when asked to provide some documents you go blank. The night before your interview, put together what you are to take with you, your academic certificates, letters of recommendation or samples of your work.
The night before your interview, put together what you are to take with you, your academic certificates, letters of recommendation or samples of your work.
7.Ask Questions
Job interview courtesy dictates that you should not get out of an interview room without asking a question. An interview generally, is supposed to be a conversation and not merely a question and answer kind of thing.
When the interviewer asks if you have any questions for them, don’t tell them that you don’t. This is where interview preparation comes in. If you prepare and understand the job and company, you will always have question-related to the job. Have at least two questions.
Passing a job interview is dependent on so many factors and one of them is your job interview etiquette. Don’t be caught off guard, prepare and be on your best behavior for those 30 minutes or so.
Must Read >>> 4 Warning Signs Your CV is the Reason You are not Getting Interviews
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