European Union Has Flipped Against Jubilee Administration.
After exhaustive and comprehensive investigations into Kenyan sham election that was conducted by Kenyan election commission, European Union determined as follows:-
1. Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and Jubilee party used public resources in contravention of the law to campaign and sway voters opinion.
2. Kenya’s Independent electoral and boundaries commission was severely compromised by political interests to conduct a free, fair and credible poll.
3. Supreme court judges were intimidated and subdued by Jubilee government. Judges lacked jurisprudential independence to make decisions based on law and facts.
4. Police officers acting under Mr Uhuru Kenyatta directive, unleashed unprecedented brutality against opposition supporters with an aim of instilling fear to scare and causing harm.
5. Jubilee administration infringed on basic tenets of democracy such as freedom of assembly, freedom of press, freedom of expression and freedom of conscience with an aim of intimidating opposition supporters.
6. Political violence meted against opposition impeded a trully democratic election.
7. Election did not meet electoral threshold of a free, fair and credible election.
8. Electoral reforms must be initiated and implemented to avert electoral fraud in the next election.
9. Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta must jumpstart a dialogue with an aim of forming a coalition government.
10. Finally, I highly suspect European Union has seen the light and discovered that election was intentionally bungled to ensure a predetermined outcome is achieved. The U.S. is still in the dark but light is coming.
11. Due to Jubilee’s dictatorial tendencies, European Union has withheld 3.8 Billion water project grant.
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