Wednesday, 9 May 2018

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By Albert Nyakundi Amenya aka The Banana Peddler

I would like to urge my fellow non-Kikuyu compatriots to be careful before buying the cheap lie that Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has failed. This lie is well packaged and peddled by our friends from Mt. Kenya to tarnish the name of our governor because of one simple reason; he is not Kikuyu just like they did not want Lily Koros in Kenyatta National Hospital when an investor promised to pump in more than Ksh24billion, and had to replace her with one of their own.

Before you buy that crap that Sonko has failed, ask yourself, “What if Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu was the governor of Nairobi, and Nairobi was in the worst state than it is now, would Kikuyus be saying he has failed Nairobi? Going by his stone throwing records while MP for Embakasi, would they be calling him names like thug, chokoraa just like they are doing to Mike Sonko?” I know that you know, just like me, that the answer is a big NO.

It’s just that experts are afraid of admitting that SONKO is being fought and christened ugly adjectives by Mt. Kenyans because he is a Kamba and not Kikuyu. That is the truth. Sadly, even the well schooled comrades are too blind to see this.

You see, these people from Mt. Kenya are hell bent on doing everything within their power, to ensure governor Sonko appears as if he has failed the people of Nairobi. Why are they doing this? The answer is simple, because he has declined to subscribe to their corruptive tendencies. Because he refused to be their puppet that they would remote-control as they loot Nairobi.

Even the blind can see that No one among the Mt. Kenya elites wanted Sonko as governor. They wanted Peter Kenneth but fortunately for Sonko, he had already convinced all voters from the Kikuyu community that he is an industrious man of impeccable character. The people had already settled on Sonko.

When they brought in PK, Sonko crashed him like a tempest. He won the Jubilee nomination by a landslide, the Mt. Kenya elite had no option but to support him hoping they would be puppeteers and he would be a puppet. That is when they had no option but to install Polycarp Igathe as his deputy. They said Sonko would deal with political affairs as Igathe runs Nairobi. Thank God, Sonko was too clever to be hoodwinked. He was too courageous to be intimidated. He was too determined to be deceived. He deceived them that he was in it, but kept mum until he clinches the gubernatorial. From there, he took charge and declared he is firmly in charge. When the going got tough and not according to plan, Igathe wouldn’t stomach it, he quit. From there, Sonko’s troubles began.

You see, even now, they are pretending to shower Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja with waters of saintly accolades. But you can take this to the bank, even if Sakaja becomes governor today, the case will still be the same even if he cooperates with them. Even Kidero cooperated but they still labeled him a failure. But at least for Kidero, he cooperated, that is why they use that lame excuse that “Kidero was better than Sonko”

One thing I know for sure, if you pick Moses Kuria today and make him governor, he will be praised until his term is over. Even if he mismanages funds and resources, no one from Mt. Kenya will open his mouth to castigate him. I am sure only my great friend Boniface Mwangi will.

Sonko is being sabotaged from all corners. People are dumping huge piles of waste in the streets of Nairobi at night to make it appear as if Sonko is not cleaning Nairobi. The penultimate week, people were caught red handed redirecting rain water from Ndakaini dam to their private dam so that Ndakaini remains empty and the people of Nairobi lack water. Thereafter, the blame be put on Sonko for failing to harvest rain water.

Long story short, Nairobians of goodwill must open their third eyes and see things from different lenses. They should not just join the bandwagon of castigating Sonko blindly without interrogating the truth. Otherwise, the Holy Book is right, only the truth shall set us free someday and whatever happens in the dark, will be brought to light at the appropriate time. But one thing remains clear, until 2022, Sonko remains governor of Nairobi and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

(The writer sells bananas in Muthurwa market and Kisii Town)

The post Dear ‘Other’ Kenyans What if MIKE SONKO Was KIKUYU, Would KIKUYUS Say He Has Failed Nairobi? appeared first on Kenya Today.

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