Sunday, 28 October 2018

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A Kenyan woman living and working in the Middle East has sent a desperate distress call pleading to be rescued from her cruel employers.

In an undated one-minute video, which has been shared on social media, the visibly anguished and tearful woman desperately pleads to be rescued from her employers-turned-tormentors in Saudi Arabia.

“I have stayed for four days without food, I have no strength. I’m in the toilet as I record this video, if I’m found, they might kill me. Please, please fellow Kenyans help me,” she sobs the woman who identifies herself as Njeri Mwaura,.


She further reveals that she hails from Limuru and that she is in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia near the border of Jordan and that her agent is based in Accra Road, Nairobi.

“Please my fellow Kenyan’s do not let me die here, please help me,” cries Njeri.

This could be the latest among many cases of violation of human rights of Kenyan woman working in Saudi Arabia.

In the past there have been countless cases of sexual harassment, violence, torture and starvation of Kenyan women working in Saudi Arabia.

Many of them go to the Middle East to work but oftentimes they end up being exploited in domestic servitude, brothels, and massage parlors or in forced manual labour.


This even as the Kenyan government continually warning its citizens against traveling to the Middle East using unscrupulous agents who are known for luring desperate women to seek menial jobs abroad.

The government has also faced accusations of failing to adequately monitor overseas recruitment agencies while the Saudi government has a reputation of indifference to the plight of foreigners.

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