Tuesday, 4 June 2019

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Those women at FIDA led by Theresa Omolo,that are calling for SONKO to apologise to Passaris or face prosecution are hypocrites and can go to hell.
Most of them are unmarried idlers who do not respect men. In fact, it is Passaris who should apologise to Sonko for attacking him first.

If Sonko had told those very words to a man, nobody would be asking him to apologize. Esther Passaris attacked Sonko in public.

She got a rebuttal the Kenyan political way. Let us stop pretending that in this country you can talk to a fellow politician the way she did and expect to be treated with kid gloves.

Politics world over is dirty. When you get into it do not expect to be mollycoddled. When you punch you will be punched…your gender not withstanding.

I am also told she has acknowledged that the recording trending is true even though some parts have been doctored.

Politicians fuck and fight all the time. Then they fool you. Stop saying Sonko should respect women. He replied to her in the same manner she had talked.

Respect is earned and Esther should just be respected by how she treats others and carry herself around. Not because she is a woman. Plus, we are all equal.

That is why I like Aisha Jumwa somehow. She is just fighting her battles without bringing her gender into it all the time.

And all these women defending Passaris have not defended her. We are in the equality era. The women in politics should just fight for their place as humans and stop invoking gender all the time.

They knew what they were getting into. To be fair Passaris has not invoked her gender. It’s other haters and supporters who have. She just walked away.

Anyway most of the women politicians are not any different from their male counterparts as you heard in that clip. They will do anything to stay in power.

The post SONKO owes PASSARIS no apology, FIDA can go to hell appeared first on Kenya Today.

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