Monday, 23 March 2020

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Thirdway Alliance party leader Ekuru Aukot has asked government officials to take a pay cut and redirect the money to low income earners who have been forced to work from home due to the outbreak of the coronavirus.

In a letter addressed to President Uhuru Kenyatta, Aukot has called for more interventions to be taken by the government to reduce the spread of the new virus in the country as the numbers rise.

Aukot said several measures, including pay cut for state officials, if utilised well could cushion a majority of Kenyans from the negative effects of the Covid-19 on the economy and their jobs.

He urged Kenyans not to panic because of what is happening worldwide due to the virus, even as he asked the state to halt all infrastructure projects and renegotiate foreign loan repayment terms.

The Thirdway Alliance party boss further asked the government to stop borrowing from local financial markets so that banks can lend to the business community at affordable rates.

In the letter, he wants the government to create a pool fund where Kenyans can access cheap mobile loans and acquire temporary unlimited NHIF cover to pay for people affected by Covid-19.

He further wants the income tax return filing deadline of June 30 extended to August 31 and asked the government stock staple foods, water, soaps and take steps to stabilise commodity prices among other urgent steps to safeguard the common mwananchi during this trying time.

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