A landlord in Juja on Monday walked away with the doors of seven tenants over delayed payment rent. The landlord also left the affected families in the dark and without water.
The landlord, identified as Francis Kamau who owns Limpopo flats in Witeithie, Juja came to the property armed with crude weapons, including hammers and steel bars and went from house to house removing doors of tenants who were yet to pay their March rent.
The one-storey building has 17 single-room units, with each tenant paying a monthly rent of Sh3,000. Seven doors were removed.
His action comes just days after President Uhuru Kenyatta pleaded with landlords across the country to reduce monthly rent for their tenants following the financial crisis that has been occasioned by coronavirus outbreak.
The President, while addressing the nation, requested the landlords to consider sharing the heavy burden of the current pandemic.
“Those property owners who have reduced or agreed to work terms for the monthly rent in order to provide roofs over the heads of vulnerable brothers and sisters and in this regard.
“Those property owners who have reduced or agreed to work terms for the monthly rent in order to provide roofs over the heads of vulnerable brothers and sisters and in this regard, I wish to urge all others to emulate this great example and not put our people in even more vulnerable situations as we face this current pandemic,” said Mr Kenyatta.
Last week, the Landlords and Tenants Association of Kenya (LATAK) called for landlords across the country to offer their tenants rent waivers for the months of April, May and June.
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