Friday, 15 May 2020

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The number of Covid-19 infections have continued to rise in Kenya after 23 more people tested positive overnight bringing the total number of infections to 781.

Health CAS Dr Rashid Aman said the 23 patients were confirmed after a total of 2,100 people were tested in the last 24 hours.

Dr Aman has also revealed that three more people have died due to complications from the Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, raising fatalities due do the virus to 45.

The CAS also injdicated that 18 of the new Covid-19 patients are male while six are female and are aged between 24-85.

He has similarly revealed that the government will announced more measures it will take to contain the virus as the renewed 21-day cessation order expires Friday.

More to folow……

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