Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika has disowned a Twitter account using her name to malign embattled Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru.
The account bears the senator’s name and similar profile picture as the one on her original account.
The tweet from the account that captured Ms Kihika’s attention, questioned Ms Waiguru’s integrity.
“What is with all these fake accounts suddenly? Pls ignore this post and other similar ones,” responded senator Kihika regarding the fake account.
Governor Waiguru is set to appear before the Senate on Tuesday where her fate will be determined.
Fake accounts purporting to be the Nakuru senator appear to have suddenly mushroomed after she took a swipe at Gender CS Margret Kobia for running to the defence of Ms Waiguru after being impeached by Kirinyaga MCAs.
According to a statement by CS Kobia, the impeachment was an attack on women.
Kihika challenged the CS on why she did not run to her defence when she was facing similar challenges during her ouster as the Jubilee Party Senate chief whip.
What is with all this fake accounts suddenly? Pls ignore this post and other similar ones.
— Sen. Susan Kihika (@susankihika) June 12, 2020
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