Wednesday, 30 December 2020

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Four men who ambushed a pedestrian in Dandora and allegedly robbed him of a mobile phone worth Sh 10,000 and cash Sh120 on Christmas Day are facing robbery with violence charges.

They are Kennedy Ouma, Dickson Mwangangi Mukwenyi, Michael Ouma Odhiambo and Kelvin Mwangi. They are accused of robbing Derrick Ndeta Litunya violently.

Litunya was walking to a nearby shop with his wife when the suspects accosted him and started assaulting him while ransacking his pockets.

He later went to a nearby police patrol base and made a report after the robbery.

Police proceeded to the area and arrested the suspects at the very scene where they had allegedly robbed Litunya.

The suspects denied the charges before senior principal magistrate Angelo Kithinji of Makadara law courts.

Mwangi claimed he was not part of the gang because he had had just brushed shoulders with Litunya as both walked in different directions and an ugly exchange ensued between them before the incident happened.

They were all freed on a Sh500,000 bond with a surety of similar amount.

Hearing of the case starts on May 24 next year.

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