Friday 6 August 2021

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Dennis Moronya Chacha (2)

A businessman accused of defrauding the late Kuria East MP Shadrack Mwita Manga of Sh474,500 after luring him into funding a training project for persons living with disabilities was arraigned before Kibera law courts. Dennis Moronya Chacha is accused of defrauding the late MP in 2018. Chacha is facing a count of obtaining credit and liability from Manga falsely pretending they would share proceeds, on March 28, 2018. Chacha and Manga had an agreement that the former MP would sponsor a training workshop that the suspect conducted for persons living with disabilities then they would share profits from the training. But Chacha reportedly reneged on his part of the bargain with the late lawmaker. Manga died earlier this year. Chacha denied the charges before senior principal magistrate Derrick Kutto and claimed that the deceased was also a beneficiary of the training and the charges arise from a misunderstanding between them. He was released on a bond of Sh200,000 and an alternative cash bail of Sh100,000.
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