Saturday 26 March 2022

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Evans Kidero

Evans Kidero would easily win the Homa Bay gubernatorial seat if elections were held today. This is as per a poll conducted by Mizani Africa which suggests the seasoned politician enjoys massive support in the county and would garner more than double the votes that his closest challenger, namely Gladys Wanga. Kidero, who lost in a bid to retain the Nairobi gubernatorial seat to Mike Sonko, has, as per the poll, a 44.1 rating while Wanga comes second at 21.6 percent. Former Kasipul Kabondo lawmaker Oyugi Magwanga is third with 15.3 percent while Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) chairman John Mbadi is fourth with 13.0 percent. In the contest which sought to find out the most preferred candidates in the county, Kidero who's extensively campaigned in his home county since shifting base from the capital would emerge tops, making him the first governor to successfully run two counties since the advent of devolution. The survey was conducted over a period of 10 days between March 8th to March 18th, 2022. Others who made the cut in the poll are Isaiah Ogwe at 2.5 percent, Hammilton Orata with 1.6 percent while Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Secretary General Akello Misori managed a paltry 0.4 percent. 1.5 percent of the respondents are still undecided. Incumbent Cyprian Awiti is not eligible to run as per the constitution, as he's already served two five-year terms  
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