Breaking into Hollywood, the most glamorous entertainment headquarters of the world can be very difficult, it will take more patience and perseverance that normal. It can be easier these days with the help of the internet. You can become a celebrity armed with your wits and your camera phone with data subscription.
Back then it was very tough and some of the celeb had to do things to make ends meet before their big break. Here are the shocking names of stars who started by doing p0rn:
1. Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe was called Norma Jean before she rebranded renamed herself, she is also regarded as one of the hottest women on earth who went on to have an affair with the President of the United States, she was a freak between the sheets.
2. Sylvester Stallone
Before Sly became Rocky Balboa or Rambo, times were really hard. So, he did a softcore p0rn flick was retitled “Italian Stallion”, sounds very apt, doesn’t it? He was paid $200 for his role back in 1970. The movie was previously titled The Party at Kitty and Stud’s. It was re-released to cash in on the fame he found after making the Rocky and Rambo movies. Smart, isn’t it?
3. Jackie Chan
Yes! Jackie was once in a p0rno, the comedy action we love was once in a p0rno-comedy where he played a lustful rickshaw driver in the mid 1970’s p0rn classic called All in the Family. He has however claimed he doesn’t regret making the movie where he pants down giving the D.
4. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Clearly the 70’s were a peculiar time. The terminator himself was taken nude pictures for a gay magazine. Arnold also did this in the 70’s. Some claimed it wasn’t p0rn, that it was for a creative artist Robert Mapplethorpe. He surely walked into this one with his eyes open. This happened during his early reign as Mr. Olympia.
5. Cameron Diaz
Cameron likes to play the fun girl in her movies, especially the romantic comedy ones. She was making a soft p0rn solo movie. It was way before her fame. She has some topless pictures here and there on the internet.
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