Thursday, 23 February 2017

This guy has narrated how he almost lost his life in Kayole after picking a lady from Club for s3x.

Just read what happened on that Sunday Morning.

It was on a Sunday morning like 7am. We had come from clubbing and as usual, we were going to her house for s3x. We had just alighted Kayole Matatu from town and were walking towards her house. We were both tipsy. We were holding each other like lovers do when they leave the club. She then takes out her phone, can't recall whether she was checking what time it was or was looking at missed calls/messages.

I saw a kiosk and told her, let me buy eggs right now so that when we wake up ni breakfast mara hio. She said sawa as she walked in a slow pace still fidgeting with her phone. I got to the kiosk.."Boss mayai sita na loaf (mkate)" As transaction was being done i hear my girl scream. I turn around, she is nose bleeding while pointing at four teenage boys who were making a run for it..she says "wameniibia nangos(phone)".

Enter Superman or rather Usain Bolt to the rescue. I am giving chase as i shout "wezi wezi". One of the teenage boys stops running as he summons the rest too wasikimbie. He turns around. Seeing their small physique, i was like this is gonna be an easy one.

He lifted his T-shirt and removed a gun..a big pistol and points it to my direction and says "kuja kuja please nikushow mimi ni nani".I engage emergency brakes..i then hear "click click" ..then another click click..By this time nishainua mkono zangu am like poleni wasee. Guy just cursed and said unabahati gun imejam fala hii as they walked away.

Jamaa that "click click" was the sound of the gun jamming. That gun was being aimed at my head.Went back to the shop to collect our items, shop keeper told me kijana huku kayole usiwai jifanya hero..hawa vijana wangekumaliza...ati ni bahati tuu hio bunduki haikulia. We didn’t even have s3x that day, we got to her house akatoa bible tukapiga magoti and prayed to Lord Jesus as we sung church gospel songs like "Niko chini ya Mwamba, Mwamba juu yangu, Yesu nifiche Niko chini ya Mwamba".

I will never forget that early sunday morning.

Via Kenya Talk.
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