Friday, 21 April 2017

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Before we even talk about keywords for your CV, here is an upcoming event.

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Would your CV get you an interview in the few seconds a recruiter looks at it? Do you think it would get a big Yes from the hiring manager? If you are still not getting called after making a job application, your answer to these questions is probably No.

But don’t lose hope yet. You can still change your odds by incorporating a few changes. In an earlier article here, we gave you a cheat sheet to use whenever you are applying for jobs. Some job seekers have been successful after using it, but others are still falling behind.

In today’s post, we will demonstrate how you can use keywords in your CV to improve your interview chances. Pay attention.

How to Use Keywords in Your CV and Get Shortlisted for Job Interviews

1. Study the Job Description like an Exam

Most job seekers fail in their job applications because they never read through the job description. Others will take their time to read, but will not tailor their CVs accordingly. I don’t know which job seeker you are, but if you want to get the interview, you must align your CV with the job. It is the quickest and easiest way to get shortlisted.

When you see a new position that you meet qualifications, remember to take note of the job title, important skills required, role summary and the duties listed. This is where you’ll find the keywords to use when tweaking your CV.

2. Make Sure Your Job Titles Mirror the Job’s keywords

Job titles tell a lot about your past experience. They can help upsell your suitability or ruin your chances completely. I’ll give you an example to help you understand.

Let’s say you come across a job advert looking for an Accountant with 1 to 2 years of experience. You have CPA qualifications, an internship, and an Assistant Accounts Clerk role that extends to the 1-year mark. Clearly, you are qualified to apply for the position.

But when the recruiter or employer opens your CV attachment, what they see in your work experience section is, “Assistant at XYZ Company” and “Intern at ABC” company. You forgot to edit the job titles accordingly. You assumed the recruiter will read your CV word for word and determine that you are qualified. Well, that right there is a failed job application.

In such a scenario, you could tailor your job titles to read “Accounting Clerk Assistant at XYZ Company” and “Accountant Intern at XYZ Company”. While they may not be the exact job titles in your contract, they still mean the same thing. It is not a lie. Also, that little tweak will make the recruiter want to read more.

3. Don’t Forget about Your Duties & Responsibilities

Like the job title, your duties and responsibilities need to mirror what is in the job advert. But please, Do Not Copy and Paste! The recruiter will know, and he or she will not give you a chance. Borrow the words used in the job description to make sure the duties in your CV show your relevant experience.

Also, the duties play an important part in the shortlisting process as they help to convince the recruiter of your qualifications. This is especially so when your Job title misrepresents what you actually do. I’ll give the example of an IT Assistant job title.

In most cases, when a recruiter sees this title on your CV, they think support and maintenance. They don’t see web design capabilities or software development, even though some of your tasks may include these. So if they were looking to hire someone with web design experience, you may get bypassed if your CV just reads IT Assistant with no mention of web design under duties.

But if you were to include that requirement as one of the top 5 responsibilities, then the recruiter would spot it and move your CV to the Yes pile. This, of course, is for those who actually have the said experience.

What to Always Remember

Keywords play an important role in the selection process. They are what recruiters and employers use when searching for candidates in a database and when skimming a CV to decide who to call for the interview. That’s why you’ll always be advised not to use the same CV to apply for every job.

If you want to get the interview and are committed to making it happen, make these minor edits.

Are you having trouble with your CV? Email for assistance.

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