Friday, 12 May 2017

By H Omollo
You can’t audit and verify the same data simultaneously …

IEBC is taking this nation for fools.

Now this is what I expected to be covered in this exercise:-
1. IEBC to submit the following documents to KPMG:-Latest voters register, a register of all national Identity cards ,a register of deaths and births from Registrar of persons since independence ,a register of persons holding passports in kenya .

2. KPMG to get access to primary database of all the registers above to interrogate and sample records for concurrence and accuracy of the extracts .

3. KPMG to invite all stakeholders and explain the process and confirm receipt of all primary data and share their approach to the exercise. (This was done but unsatisfactorily)

4. The cleaned /audited register to be subjected to verification by political parties and citizens who registered as voters .

Circumventing this process under the guise of time will water down the integrity of this process irreparably .

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