It’s exciting to finish school and start a career. But with the uncertain nature of the job market in Kenya today, there is no guarantee that you will end up in a career of your choice.
Most Kenyans take up jobs that have nothing to do with our passion because, at the end of the day, they have to make ends meet.
So what happens when the career you choose no longer excites you or you ended up in a career that wasn’t in anyway related to what you studied? Is it too late for you or is there hope?
How do you change from this career without going through the hustle of going back to school?
Find Out >>>Are You on The Wrong Career Path?
How To Change Careers Without Going Back To School
1.Figure Out What You Want
With so much competition in the job market today, you could end up taking a job just because that was what was available. However, a few months or years down the line, you realized that you hate your job and the career path you are trending on and need to change it.
Don’t get me wrong, you could move from that job and end up taking another but that’s just a job and not a career.
Building a career takes more than just hopping from one job to another. Therefore, figure out what you love doing or what would interest you. Go online and research on career paths you could take and choose the one you would most enjoy doing.
Building a career takes passion and years of dedication.
2.Become an expert in something
If you really want to change your career without going back to school, then position yourself as an expert in something. It could be accounting, digital marketing, HR, procurement or simply blogging.
Whatever, you do, it may be not something you had planned on doing all your life, but your experience in that field has given you enough to become an expert.
3.Do your research online
The internet is an ocean of endless possibilities and there is so much you can find there. Without going back for another degree or diploma, make the internet your friend.
For instance, if you want to end up in a digital marketing career, you can go online and get certification from short online courses like you could get a Google SEO certification that will give you an edge in the job market.
If you are looking to make a career change, networking may be the best way to go about it.
You may not enjoy asking people to help you get a job but those that you know could be the difference between you ending up in a career you love and sticking to what you already hate.
Use your existing contacts; someone who can vouch for your character, interest in learning and superb work ethics.
5.Be ready to make sacrifices
It is possible to make a career change but end up on the same level you were at your previous one. It will be hard without experience in that field to earn the same amount you were earning in the other job.
Therefore, be ready to sacrifice such things as it will take time to transition and reach the level you already are at. But hey! It will be worth it in the end, right?
6.Become your own brand ambassador
If you have already figured out what kind of career you would most enjoy doing, then the hardest task comes at branding yourself. Don’t be afraid to promote yourself to your friends and other key industry players you meet.
For instance, make small talk about how you are an expert in digital marketing and have so much experience. In the long run, just by word of mouth, you will have created your own personal brand.
7.Monetize a passion
Do you have that one thing that you do so effortlessly well? Most people have passions or God given talents but unfortunately, few know that they monetize them. For example, you could be the guy that is so good with barbeques at your friends’ parties or the girl that your friends come to for health and fitness advice because you are naturally good at it.
This is a manifestation of a passion that you can actually monetize.
This is a manifestation of a passion that you can actually monetize. Why not start a side hustle around what you love doing and start earning from what you do best?
Because this is something you love doing, there is a very high chance that it can grow into a successful business and guess what, you will never have to work a day in your life!
8.Seek career advice
You may be confused right now, hate your job but have no idea which career path would suit you best. Before you go giving up, it would help to seek career advice from a professional.
Sit down with a career coach and they will be able to advise you on which career path to take.
Getting a job is not always a problem but a job may be just that, a job! A career, however, takes years to build and if you end up in the wrong one, you could end up hating every job that comes along your way.
There are things that you can do to ensure that you Maximize Your Career Potential get the job you deserve, become a better version of yourself and live a fulfilling life.
Email or and find out how you can enroll into the Maximize Your Career Potential Bootcamp and become a better version of yourself.
The post 8 Ways To Make A Career Change Without Going Back To School appeared first on Corporate Staffing Services. Click On The Title For The Original & More Posts
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