By Bettern Chero
Call me anything I don’t care, I am never a jubilee supporter and I won’t be one, but when a duty comes to defend my community I will. Despite my idiological differences with one William Ruto he remains a fellow kalenjin and I will defend him collectively when I see eminent attack on him as a kalenjin tho I hate his leadership.
In kalenjin we say “Ngosamis murian kobo kot nebo” despite being bad he still my fellow kalenjin .
Uhuru keeps cheating Ruto on cabinate selection that let wait but Ruto has information uhuru’s power umbrella holders are doing cabinate CS and ps recruitment.
These power umbrella holders are targeting agriculture ministry reason it has several parastatals beneath and energy ministry due to Turkana oil that they want to steal they need a trusted fellow there.. It’s understood they want Mwangi kiunjuri there energy. As they hold on to devolution and yammy transport and roads ministry.
Ruto went statehouse to see these power umbrella holders, to his dismay jomo gecaga told him to his eyes leave us do our work you have double offices Karen and harambee avenue what is it in statehouse you want, leave us to work.
Charles keter knowing how stakes are high he has left Ruto and decided to lobby for himself to retain energy ministry, he drove directly to runda meeting Gideon moi to help him retain his seat later he went to Karen to meet ziporah kittony for the same and Kamau of roads who is Uhuru’s adviser and right hand man in advice remember Kamau used to run uhuru family business from bank of Africa to group of agriculture businesses.
Mrs kandie staring on job lose too visited Gideon wife zahra twice lobbing for her CS position but seemingly her goose are cooked she out.
As things stand Ruto will remain with finance ministry that is well monitored by ps Kamau thuge, Isaac Ruto whom William wanted out of politics is headed to agriculture CS job via Kanu chairman Hon GM. Ruto’s sycophant willy bett headed village like kandie replaced by radio Africa investor kittony.
Outof four kalenjin CS only one Henrly Rotich of finance and Ruto strongman will retain his seat others now lobbing for themselves but will it yield any results?
Sahii Ruto amekanyagiliwa chini kaa panya , he is like that girl parents warned marrying known wife butterer, she suffering but shy saying cos she was warned, now in bitter abusive marriage, David Murathes, jomo gecaga etc of this world arrogantly tormenting Ruto.
In as much I don’t like Ruto I must side with him in this funny tribulations he is undergoing in the hands of liers I repeat”Ngosamis murian kobo kot nebo“
The post Exposed: DP Ruto ‘Chased’ From Statehouse As Mt Kenya Mafia Take Control Of Cabinet Selection appeared first on Kenya Today.
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