Friday, 13 July 2018

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The President has moved CS Adan Mohammed to head the critical ministry of East African Community and regional Development.

This move demonstrates the level of faith that the president has in Hon. Adan Mohammed. In the recent past, Kenya which is the biggest economy in the region has seen its clout wane on the back of an onslaught of Tanzania which has shown an inclination to do business with the South African economic block rather than the Kenyan dominated East African Community customs union.

Besides that, Uganda ditched the initiative to construct a joint oil pipeline with Kenya instead preferring to do business with Tanzania and Rwanda.

Another of the CS’s new roles will be in the superintendence of the equalization fund. The equalization fund is a facet of devolution that is intended to bring e economically marginalized regions to the same level as the more developed parts of the country. It is a tool that he will definitely use to improve the Nothern Kenya community which has been historically marginalized. If he uses it wisely as he will, that will endear him even more to his local people.

CS Adan is the one capable of resetting the delicate and highly sensitive political and economic relations with her neighbors demonstrates the high regard with which he is held in the corridors of power.
As the cabinet secretary for East African community and regional development, CS Adan Mohammed will also be in charge of a humongous project: the Lapsset. It is envisaged that when it is ultimately completed, the lapsset project-the Lamu port- South Sudan- Ethiopia transport corridor will be the second most prominent infrastructure project in the country.

That CS Adan has been placed in charge of such an ambitious and capital intensive project further speaks to the faith the president has in him and the high regard with which he is held among the money and power men in the country.

It does not end there. CS Adan will be controlling over ten state corporations as the cabinet secretary of one of the most important ministries in the country. This responsibility also comes with a lot of clout especially as it places him at the Centre of the implementation of the president’s pet project: the big four agenda and the vision 2030 aspirations.

The new responsibility also means that the CS is one of the few trusted lieutenants and advisors the president will turn to in order to attain his aspirations and more critically in securing a lasting legacy in building bridges among communities and a solid economic foundation built upon an enduring infrastructural development.

For those who know the CS well, his rise and rise has not occurred by accident. CS Adan Mohamed is a solid intellectual having studied various disciplines in some of the most reknowned Ivy League universities in the world.
CS Adan is also an amiable and non controversial personality who who gets along well with most people especially The Who is who in the country.

Following this appointment, CS Adan who is currently in New York for summit Agoa which he is co- chairing has previously had a tight itinerary of international travel is expected to reduce his travels drastically. This will give him more time interact with local people to also focus more on the development needs of the his local community.

It is envisaged that as a natural consequence of this appointment, previous positions, his networks and amiable personality, the soft spoken CS will in due course move this ministry to new level.

The post Why Uhuru Moved CS Adan to The Influential East Africa and Northern Corridors Affairs appeared first on Kenya Today.

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