An attempt to blame Cabinet Secretaries for the failure in government backfired after users said their boss President Uhuru Kenyatta had the ultimate power to hire and fire.
The hashtag #CSsFailingUhuru was started by government aligned Twitter accounts but was quickly taken over by irate Kenyans on Twitter (KOT).
Users demanded that the President fires his non-performing ministers.
They also called on him to direct the Director of Public Prosecution to charge ministers whose dockets have been fingered for corruption and misuse of public funds.
Kevin Munyui tweeted; “Incompetency in the Energy Ministry has even led to the President himself directing the Energy CS to review electricity rates to cushion the common mwananchi from economic shocks, despite Keter denying that Kenya power was inflating power bills #CSsFailingUhuru.”
Kibet Benard added; “They have not fulfilled any promises. Not even one of them has set foot in Gikomba Market. They have neglected SMEs that pay taxes and employ 75 per cent of our people #CSsFailingUhuru.”
James Marix retorted; “Its uhuru who is failing, how for example is James Macharia still in the office with all the scandals, inefficiencies, accidents etc #CSsFailingUhuru.”
Fitz Muriuki lamented; “Even after the death of the much treasured rhinos the tourism cs is still in office.”
Antony Tito Sammy wrote; “CSs are NOT failing Uhuru, Uhuru failed Kenyans when he appointed Politicians instead of professors and qualified Kenyans to those offices. It’s the price he HAS to pay for seeking to reward his cronies #CSsFailingUhuru.”
Antony Oyugi stated; “Instead of firing Wario, Bett, Kaimenyi, Muhoro, Ekai, Kandie, etc, they were appointed envoys #CSsFailingUhuru.”
Muthui Mkenya added; “#CSsFailingUhuru is lame and an attempt to exonerate @UKenyatta incompetence. @UKenyatta is the appointing authority with powers to fire. Tuwachwe kubebwa ufala.”
Karani Mutonga tweeted; “No CS is failing Uhuru. It is Uhuru who is failing Kenyans. Why can’t he just sack whoever by adopting Kibaki style “today I’ve accepted resignation of CS so and so…” He’s the one who appointed them. He can sack them. #CSsFailingUhuru.”
Moses Mbugua added; “If CSs are failing Uhuru then he should sack them period! If not then Uhuru is failing Kenyans! #CSsFailingUhuru.”
Godhard Kamau tweeted; “Whoever believes that there are #CSsFailingUhuru must be so myopic. If indeed there are, Uhuru is the one who appointed them and still holds the power to fire them. Let him crack the whip on the failed CSs.”
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