Sunday, 26 June 2022

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A police officer is under arrest after threatening to shoot and kill a colleague in Limuru town. Mr Kelvin Munene who'd been assigned to do patrols within the town is reported to have returned to the police station and threatened to kill Mr Caleb Odhiambo. “Mr Odhiambo reported that while at Limuru Town police station the suspect who was supposed to be on patrol duties threatened to end his life,” the report reads in part. The report indicates Mr Munene was supposed to be on duty with his colleague identified as Mr Allan Gatheru. When the suspect saw Mr Odhiambo, he pointed an AK47 riffle at him, corked it and discharged one round of ammunition. This prompted other officers who were witnessing what they thought was a joke sway into action and disarm the suspect. The officers who disarmed Mr Munene were identified as Mr Charles Oteni and Mr Simon Mwangi who were at the report office and cell sentry. "The scene was visited by Deputy Sub county commander and the OCS and it emerged the suspect had a pending disciplinary proceeding. He was immediately arrested,” the report revealed. The officers then processed the scene and picked the spent cartridge which has been put as an exhibit. Cases of police officers killing their colleagues and family members are on the increase in the recent past. This attracted the attention of Interior CS Dr Fred Matiang'I and President Uhuru Kenyatta who formed a committee to look into the challenges officers are facing. It later emerged most officers are suffering from mental health issues which at times see them over react. Currently, a number of police officers are being treated on ailments related to mental health and many more are coming out to confess that they have been suffering in silent.
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