Attending a job interview and not getting the job can be frustrating. It gets worse when you don’t know what you did wrong, where you made a mistake or what you should have done differently.
For some candidates, recruiters will mention the mistakes they made. For others, you have to keep guessing, consult an interview coaching service or rely on information available on job interview mistakes.
This new post highlights the top 5 mistakes people make during a job interview that deny them the job.
The 5 Worst Mistakes People Make in a Job Interview
1. Not Preparing Well for the Interview
Let’s explain lack of proper preparation with an actual scenario.
Jack receives a phone call inviting him to an interview at a top company. Since he has been applying to many positions without keeping track, he isn’t sure what position he is going to interview for. He also doesn’t want to ask the recruiter, in case he ruins his chances before the interview.
On the day of the interview, he walks into the interview room with crossed fingers hoping it will be like his previous interviews. As the interviewer asks common interview questions, like “Tell me about yourself” and “Walk me through your typical day at Company X”, everything seems to be going on well.
But that’s until the interviewer asks, “What motivated you to apply for this position?” At that moment, increased anxiety kicks in, sweating heightens and the rest of the interview becomes a nightmare. Like you would guess, the interviewer decides Jack was never interested in the role and he never gets the job.
This scenario where a candidate forgets the position they applied for happens many times than you would think. Yet, you can salvage the situation by revisiting your sent emails and scanning all recent applications.
When recruiters call you about an interview, you don’t need to panic. You only need to carefully listen to what they say. They will always mention their name, the company they are calling you from and the position.
If for one reason or another you don’t comprehend the position, you can always ask politely or check your email.
2. Being rude and having a bad attitude
How you treat the security guard, how you talk to the receptionist or the employee who attends to you, and the way you interact with interviewers is a huge deciding factor.
Employers and hiring managers usually make the hiring decision based on your personality. This means that while having technical expertise is a necessity, you will also need a likable personality to get the job.
So, no matter how bad your morning or day has turned out, make sure you are not rude to anyone in the moments leading to your interview. Also make sure you do not portray a bad attitude. These two are a guarantee for a failed job interview.
Rudeness has never worked well for anyone, and neither has a bad attitude. In fact, purpose to be a polite person at all times and to always be positive.
3. Trying too hard to be someone you are not
In efforts to prove that you are the best candidate for the job, you may have tried too hard to impress and completely failed at it.
Let’s say you are a highly energetic person and like to joke around a lot. Because you have heard a lot about interviews and do not want to ruin your chances for getting hired, you try your best to keep your energy levels down and avoid any jokes from popping. The result is a superficial person who is only giving the interviewer reasons not to get hired.
If you are an energetic person, don’t hide it. If you are a happy person, let it show. If you don’t like wearing make-up, don’t wear it at all.
You know why?
There are only two ways your plan can go, both of which are negative. You could not get the job at all, or you could get hired only to lose it a few months later when your true self emerges.
The post The Worst Mistakes People Make in a Job Interview appeared first on Corporate Staffing Services. Click On The Title For The Original & More Posts
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