Friday, 22 December 2017

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Nairobi’s single women have been seeking sisterly advice regarding the potential successes of online dating.

As a fruitless 2017 comes to an end, many are seemingly exploring how to diversify their search for that Mr Right who can make 2018 a romance-filled year.

On the Facebook group Kilimani Mums Udaku Zone, one user openly inquired on the feasibility of online dating.

“So have you met someone through social media and had a romantic relationship that worked?” she posed.

The responses she got were postive with many affirming that relationships conceived on social media can mature into a lifelong unions.

Here are some of the responses.

One user said; “Me. we dated for 3 months on social media ndo tukaplan kumeet. tukadate for one year nikapata bol. tukaoana we are happily married with a baby boy one year 5months.”

Another added; “Yes mine is working.”

Another commented; “mine worked…. since 2013 to date and we are still doing great… have a kid n can’t regret meeting him.”

Another wrote; “Mine its strong.”

And then there were those who were not so fortunate.

One user said; “Mine even one month haikumaliza.”

Another added; “Mine did not work.”

Another wrote; “pia wangu tulianza kuongea august, we’re good and never met though he always insist,but two weeks ago he startrd to withdraw the communication but anasema si kwa ubaya bado yeye anangoja siku nitaamua tumeet..Sasa vyenye ame mute for almost a week i feel like quitting and not meeting him at all..we were to meet this week or next week…confused whether i should continue coz amenyamaza.”

The post City women seek advice on online dating as year ends appeared first on Nairobi News.

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